区块链 - Raydium - Python - 跨钱包匹配交易

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我一直在尝试用 python 创建一个程序来分析我在 Raydium 上复制交易的按钱包细分的交易盈亏。到目前为止,我已经尝试了两个代码库,第一个返回 0 结果(我知道我已经复制交易了钱包),并且我通过 Solscan API 设置了这个。另一个我一直在尝试直接在 solana 网络上使用(还没有完全设置它,我只是试图让它为我拉取交易),并且无论通过终端安装 solana 都给我返回此错误: 从 solana.publickey 导入 PublicKey ModuleNotFoundError:没有名为“solana.publickey”的模块


`import requests
from datetime import datetime

# Raydium AMM Program IDs

# Function to fetch transaction history for an account
def fetch_transaction_history(account, api_key, limit=100, before=None):
    url = f"https://pro-api.solscan.io/v1.0/account/transactions?account={account}&limit={limit}"
    if before:
        url += f"&before={before}"
    headers = {"accept": "application/json", "token": api_key}
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json()
        print(f"Failed to fetch transaction history for account {account}: {response.status_code}")
        return []

# Function to extract token and amount information from instructions
def extract_token_info(instructions):
    for instruction in instructions:
        if instruction['programId'] in RAYDIUM_AMM_PROGRAM_ID and instruction['type'] == 'swap':
            return instruction['data']
    return None

# Function to filter and normalize transactions
def filter_and_normalize_transactions(transactions):
    valid_transactions = []
    for tx in transactions:
        if tx['status'] == 'Success':
            token_info = extract_token_info(tx['parsedInstruction'])
            if token_info:
                    'blockTime': tx['blockTime'],
                    'amountIn': token_info.get('amountIn', 0),
                    'amountOut': token_info.get('amountOut', 0),
                    'tokenAccount': token_info.get('tokenAccount', 'Unknown')
    return valid_transactions

# Function to match buy transactions between your wallet and a copied wallet
def match_buy_transactions(your_trades, copied_trades):
    matched_trades = []
    for copied_trade in copied_trades:
        copied_instruction_data = extract_token_info(copied_trade['parsedInstruction'])
        if copied_instruction_data:
            copied_token_account = copied_instruction_data.get('tokenAccount', 'Unknown')
            copied_amount_in = copied_instruction_data.get('amountIn', 0)
            copied_amount_out = copied_instruction_data.get('amountOut', 0)
            if copied_amount_in > copied_amount_out:
                for your_trade in your_trades:
                    your_instruction_data = extract_token_info(your_trade['parsedInstruction'])
                    if your_instruction_data:
                        your_token_account = your_instruction_data.get('tokenAccount', 'Unknown')
                        your_amount_in = your_instruction_data.get('amountIn', 0)
                        your_amount_out = your_instruction_data.get('amountOut', 0)
                        if your_amount_in > your_amount_out and copied_token_account == your_token_account:
    return matched_trades

# Function to calculate PnL from matched buys and your sells
def calculate_pnl(matched_buys, sells):
    pnl = 0
    matched_buys_by_token = {}
    for buy in matched_buys:
        token = buy['tokenAccount']
        if token not in matched_buys_by_token:
            matched_buys_by_token[token] = []
    for sell in sells:
        sell_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(sell['blockTime'])
        token = sell['tokenAccount']
        if token in matched_buys_by_token:
            for buy in matched_buys_by_token[token]:
                buy_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(buy['blockTime'])
                if buy_time < sell_time:
                    pnl += sell['amountOut'] - buy['amountIn']
    return pnl

# Main script
api_key = "My API key here"
your_wallet = "my wallet"
copied_wallets = ["copy traded wallet"]

# Fetch and normalize your trades
your_trades_raw = fetch_transaction_history(your_wallet, api_key)
your_trades = filter_and_normalize_transactions(your_trades_raw)
your_buys = [trade for trade in your_trades if trade['amountIn'] > trade['amountOut']]
your_sells = [trade for trade in your_trades if trade['amountOut'] > trade['amountIn']]

print(f"Your Buys: {your_buys}")
print(f"Your Sells: {your_sells}")

# Dictionary to store PnL categorized by copied wallets
pnl_breakdown = {}

# Fetch trades for copied wallets and calculate PnL categorized by them
for wallet in copied_wallets:
    copied_trades_raw = fetch_transaction_history(wallet, api_key)
    copied_trades = filter_and_normalize_transactions(copied_trades_raw)
    matched_trades = match_buy_transactions(your_buys, copied_trades)
    pnl = calculate_pnl(matched_trades, your_sells)
    pnl_breakdown[wallet] = pnl

# Output the detailed PnL breakdown
for wallet, pnl in pnl_breakdown.items():
    print(f"PnL for trades triggered by copied wallet {wallet}: {pnl}")

# Overall PnL from all categorized trades
overall_pnl = sum(pnl_breakdown.values())
print(f"Overall PnL from copy traded wallets: {overall_pnl}")

Second code base:
import json
import time
import threading
import numpy as np
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from solana.rpc.api import Client
from solana.publickey import PublicKey

# Constants
EXPLORER_URL_TX = "https://explorer.solana.com/tx/"
ADDRESS_SOLSCAN = "https://api.solscan.io/account?address="

# Solana Client
SOLANA_MAINNET = "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com"
client = Client(SOLANA_MAINNET)

# Initialize variables
resultArr = []
maxTxCount = 10000
txCount = 0
lastSignature = None
rounds = 0

def get_tx_detail(tx_signature):
    tx = client.get_confirmed_transaction(tx_signature)
    if tx['result'] is not None:
        post_token_balances = tx["result"]["meta"]["postTokenBalances"]
        pre_token_balances = tx["result"]["meta"]["preTokenBalances"]
        if post_token_balances != pre_token_balances:
            print(EXPLORER_URL_TX + tx_signature)

# Fetch Raydium transactions
if __name__ == "__main__":
    RaydiumPubKey = PublicKey(ADDRESS_RAYDIUM_AMM)
    while True:
        print("Round-", rounds + 1)
        print("Getting transactions")
        txs = client.get_signatures_for_address(RaydiumPubKey, limit=200, before=lastSignature)['result']
        print("Processing signatures")
        signatures = np.array([tx["signature"] for tx in txs])

        threads = []
        for signature in signatures:
            txCount += 1
            thread = threading.Thread(target=get_tx_detail, args=(signature,))

        for thread in threads:

        if txCount >= maxTxCount:
            rounds += 1
            lastSignature = txs[-1]["signature"]

# Process transaction details
def process_tx(tx):
    tx_signature = tx["result"]["transaction"]["signatures"][0]
    tx_sender = tx["result"]["transaction"]["message"]["accountKeys"][0]
    block_time = tx["result"]["blockTime"]
    slot = tx["result"]["slot"]
    post_token_balances = tx["result"]["meta"]["postTokenBalances"]
    pre_token_balances = tx["result"]["meta"]["preTokenBalances"]
    token_balances = []

    for pre, post in zip(pre_token_balances, post_token_balances):
        change = 0
        if pre["uiTokenAmount"]["uiAmount"] is not None and post["uiTokenAmount"]["uiAmount"] is not None:
            change = post["uiTokenAmount"]["uiAmount"] - pre["uiTokenAmount"]["uiAmount"]
        owner = pre["owner"]
        token = pre["mint"]
        if change != 0:
            token_balances.append({"owner": owner, "token": token, "change": change})

    return {
        "txSignature": tx_signature,
        "sender": tx_sender,
        "blockTime": block_time,
        "slot": slot,
        "tokenBalances": token_balances

processed_tx_arr = [process_tx(tx) for tx in resultArr]

# Map token mint address to readable token names
mint_dic = {}
for tx in processed_tx_arr:
    for token_balance in tx["tokenBalances"]:
        token = token_balance["token"]
        if token not in mint_dic:
            req = Request(ADDRESS_SOLSCAN + token, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
            data = json.loads(urlopen(req).read())
            mint_dic[token] = data["data"]["tokenInfo"]["name"]

for tx in processed_tx_arr:
    for token_balance in tx["tokenBalances"]:
        token_balance["token"] = mint_dic.get(token_balance["token"], token_balance["token"])

# Normalize token transactions
normalized_tx_arr = []
for tx in processed_tx_arr:
    for token_change in tx["tokenBalances"]:
            'txSignature': tx["txSignature"],
            'sender': tx["sender"],
            'blockTime': tx["blockTime"],
            'slot': tx["slot"],
            'owner': token_change["owner"],
            'token': token_change["token"],
            'change': token_change["change"]

# Print normalized transactions
for tx in normalized_tx_arr:
`your text`
# Now, you can implement PnL calculations and subcategorization based on your specific needs.`

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