如何在四叉树中强制执行从 LOD 到 LOD 的恒定 2:1 细分?

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我想要我的相机具有径向对称的细节渐变。我通过相机周围的同心球壳和四叉树子项的边界框(AABB 碰撞检测)实现了径向对称。这些球壳与四叉树相交并提供细分。哪个球壳与四叉树相互作用取决于相机距离。我之所以需要多个球体而不仅仅是一个球体,是因为我想要定义详细程度级别。我想要从 lod 到 lod 的 2:1 渐变。这就是为什么我的球壳随着 2^i 变得更大。 尽管如此,有时我会得到 4:1 而不是 2:1 的 lod 过渡。这肯定是由于我的细分条件造成的,因为这不是一个干净的解决方案。


我总是需要 2:1 的细节渐变并且不能更大

_LODRadii(minRadius, numLayers){
    const lodRadii = [];
    for(let i = 0; i < numLayers; i++){
        lodRadii.push(minRadius * 2 ** i);
    return lodRadii;    

//I don't use this function for anything right now
_Lod0(child, pos, numLayers, lodRadii){
    const lodCenter = pos;
    const closestPoint = new THREE.Vector3();
    child.newBounds.clampPoint(lodCenter, closestPoint); 
    const squaredDistance = lodCenter.distanceToSquared(closestPoint);              

    let lod0 = -1; 
    for (let i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { 
        const lodRadius = lodRadii[i]; 
        if (squaredDistance <= lodRadius ** 2) { 
            lod0 = i; 
    return lod0;            

//pos = cameraPosition
Insert(pos) {
    const minRadius = this._params.min_lod_radius;  //is 24
    const numLayers =   this._params.lod_layers;    //is 15
    const lodRadii = this._LODRadii(minRadius, numLayers);
    const lod0 = this._Lod0(this.root_, pos, numLayers, lodRadii);      
    this._Insert(this.root_, pos, lodRadii, numLayers, lod0);   

_Insert(child, pos, lodRadii, numLayers, lod0) {    
    //lod0  is the smallest spherical radius that intersects the quadtree. But I don't use that
    const lodCenter = pos;
    const closestPoint = new THREE.Vector3();
    child.newBounds.clampPoint(lodCenter, closestPoint); 
    const squaredDistance = lodCenter.distanceToSquared(closestPoint); //squared distance from the camera to bounding box

    for(let i = numLayers; i >= 0; i--) {
        const lodRadius = lodRadii[i];
        if(squaredDistance <= lodRadius ** 2 && child.size.x >= lodRadius ) {
            child.children = this._CreateChildren(child);
            for (let c of child.children) {
                this._Insert(c, pos, lodRadii, i, lod0);




您当前的方法是通过相机和四叉树边界框之间的距离来确定适当的 LOD。这将给出 LOD 的径向渐变。然而,您遇到的问题是 LOD 之间的非恒定细分为 2:1,有时您会得到 4:1 的差异。

我将提供一个解决方案来确保 2:1 的细分:

1- 距离分桶:

在细分过程之前,计算每个 LOD 级别的距离桶:

let lodBuckets = [];
for(let i = 0; i < numLayers; i++){
    lodBuckets.push({min: lodRadii[i], max: lodRadii[i+1]});

2- 确定 LOD:

确定 LOD 的函数为:

function determineLOD(distance, lodBuckets){
   for(let i = 0; i < lodBuckets.length; i++) {
       if(distance >= lodBuckets[i].min && distance < lodBuckets[i].max) {
           return i;
   return -1; // or whatever you want for out-of-range distances


修改 _Insert 函数以使用确定 LOD 方法:

_Insert(child, pos, lodRadii, numLayers, lodBuckets) {    
    const lodCenter = pos;
    const closestPoint = new THREE.Vector3();
    child.newBounds.clampPoint(lodCenter, closestPoint); 
    const squaredDistance = lodCenter.distanceToSquared(closestPoint); //squared distance from the camera to bounding box
    const distance = Math.sqrt(squaredDistance);
    const currentLOD = determineLOD(distance, lodBuckets);

    if(currentLOD != -1 && child.size.x >= lodRadii[currentLOD]) {
        child.children = this._CreateChildren(child);
        for (let c of child.children) {
            this._Insert(c, pos, lodRadii, numLayers, lodBuckets);

通过对距离进行分桶,可以确保两个同心球之间的空间始终映射到一个 LOD。这应该在 LOD 之间提供一致的 2:1 细节渐变,并且过渡应始终为 2:1。

此外,请记住,您需要确保边界框的大小和初始距离适合确保这种渐变。如果设置不正确,您可能仍会遇到 LOD 意外跳跃的情况。

最后,在开发过程中始终可视化您的结构和 LOD。它将帮助您快速发现不一致之处和潜在改进的领域。

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