我正在尝试在带有Oracle JDK 10.2的iOS上使用GluonVM。我注意到,尽管我在src / ios / Default-Info.plist中有“ com.javasuns.test”,但是当我运行“ ./ gradlew launchIOSDevice”命令时,将使用捆绑包ID来自build.gradle中定义的mainClassName。
<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string>com.javasuns.test</string>
dependencies { compile 'com.gluonhq:charm:5.0.2' } mainClassName = 'test.TestFX' fxmobile { javafxportsVersion = '8.60.12' ios { ...... } }
./ gradlew launchIOSDevice
包下创建一个名为“ test.java”的新Java主类来绕过此问题(忽略Java类型名称通常以大写字母开头) 。com.gluonhq.higgs.Higgs: non-fatal issue for class javafx.scene.web.JSObjectIosImpl (no known superclass) command to dsymutil: xcrun dsymutil -o /Volumes/MyApps/testFX/build/gvm/testFX.app.dSYM /Volumes/MyApps/testFX/build/gvm/testFX.app/testFX Error getting ProvisioninedDevices, ignore created created created created Error getting ProvisioninedDevices, ignore created provprofile asked, bid = test.TestFX and origbid = test.TestFX provprofile asked, bid = test.* and origbid = test.TestFX provprofile asked, bid = * and origbid = test.TestFX No provisioning profile found matching signing identity 'iPhone Developer: #NAME#' and app bundle ID 'test.TestFX' will return PP null No provisioning profile found matching signing identity 'iPhone Developer: #NAME#' and app bundle ID 'test.TestFX' will return PP null No provisioning profile found matching signing identity 'iPhone Developer: #NAME#' and app bundle ID 'test.TestFX' will return PP null Warning, getProvisioningProfile is failing java.lang.NullPointerException
我设法通过在“ com.javasuns”
mainClassName = 'com.javasuns.test'
13:17:45:491] BosonAppSupport: Validating codesign... [SUB] /Volumes/MyApps/testFX/build/gvm/testFX.app: valid on disk [SUB] /Volumes/MyApps/testFX/build/gvm/testFX.app: satisfies its Designated Requirement [13:17:46:269] BosonAppSupport: Validation codesign result: true [13:17:46:270] BosonAppSupport: Codesign done [13:17:46:333] BosonAppBuilder: UploadInternal start [13:17:51:041] : Upload Progress: 10% [13:17:51:573] : Upload Progress: 20% [13:17:52:104] : Upload Progress: 30% [13:17:52:916] : Upload Progress: 40% [13:17:53:947] : Upload Progress: 50% [13:17:54:696] : Upload Progress: 60% [13:17:55:520] : Upload Progress: 70% [13:17:56:372] : Upload Progress: 80% [13:17:57:367] : Upload Progress: 90% [13:17:58:414] : Upload Progress: 100% [13:17:58:460] BosonAppBuilder: uploadInternal done [13:17:58:796] : Progress: CreatingStagingDirectory [5%] [13:17:58:798] : Progress: ExtractingPackage [15%] [13:17:58:799] : Progress: InspectingPackage [20%] [13:17:58:802] : Progress: TakingInstallLock [20%] [13:17:58:804] : Progress: PreflightingApplication [30%] [13:17:58:805] : Progress: InstallingEmbeddedProfile [30%] [13:17:58:812] : Progress: VerifyingApplication [40%] [13:17:58:954] : Error: APIInternalError, Description: Failed to unhide archs in executable file:///private/var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.LXITKr/extracted/testFX.app/TestApp > Task :launchIOSDevice [13:17:58:955] BosonAppBuilder: Installing finished due to an error. [13:17:58:958] BosonAppBuilder: Install internal failed [13:17:58:958] BosonAppBuilder: Something went wrong. App wasn't installed on the device
我正在尝试在带有Oracle JDK 10.2的iOS上使用GluonVM。我已经注意到,尽管我在src / ios / Default-Info.plist中有“ com.javasuns.test”,但是当我运行“ ./gradlew launchIOSDevice”命令时,...