IE 自动化 - 识别活动选项卡

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

过去 5 天一直在解决这个问题,所以决定发布这个问题。

我有一个附加到 IE 工具栏的应用程序(IE Addon)。如果打开 IE 的一个实例(没有任何选项卡),则应用程序可以正常工作。但是,如果我们打开了多个选项卡,它将尝试处理所有选项卡,而不是单击按钮的选项卡。

问题是所有选项卡生成的 HWND(来自 IE.HWND)值都是相同的,包括父选项卡。


Dim SWs As New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
Dim IE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim mhWnd As Long
myhWnd = GetForegroundWindow()
 For Each IE In SWs
    If Strings.Left(IE.LocationURL, 4) = "http" Then 'if the document is IE then       proceed because EXPLORER window returns in the same group

    Set Doc = IE.document

       MsgBox ("Debugging 3 IE.hwnd :" & IE.hwnd & "myHwnd : " & myhWnd)
       If (IE.hwnd = myhWnd ) Then  
    'application launch code


尝试使用 IAccessibility 来识别当前选项卡,但 IAccessible 始终返回 null。请参阅下面的 IAccessibility 代码:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using SHDocVw;
using Accessibility;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace FinWindowsTab
public class FindWindowsTab
     public enum OBJID : uint
        OBJID_WINDOW = 0x00000000,

    private const int IE_ACTIVE_TAB = 2097154;
    private const int CHILDID_SELF = 0;
    private IAccessible accessible;
    private FindWindowsTab[] Children;

    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // InternetExplorer IE = new InternetExplorer();
        ShellWindows SW = new ShellWindows();
            foreach (InternetExplorer IE in SW)
                if (IE.Name == "Windows Internet Explorer")

                    string urlOfTabToActivate = IE.LocationURL;

                    var directUi = GetDirectUIHWND((IntPtr)IE.HWND);
                    var iacc = AccessibleObjectFromWindow(directUi);
                    var tabRow = FindAccessibleDescendant(iacc, "Tab Row");
                    var tabs = AccChildren(tabRow);
                    int tc = tabs.Count;
                    int k = 0;

                    // walk through the tabs and tick the chosen one
                    foreach (var candidateTab in tabs)
                        // the last tab is "New Tab", which we don't want
                        if (k == tc) continue;

                        // the URL on *this* tab
                        string localUrl = UrlForTab(candidateTab);
                        MessageBox.Show("Local Url :" + localUrl);
                        // same? if so, tick it. This selects the given tab among all
                        // the others, if any.
                        if (urlOfTabToActivate != null && localUrl.Equals(urlOfTabToActivate))
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show("An exception has occured : " + ex.Message);


    private static IntPtr GetDirectUIHWND(IntPtr ieFrame)
        // try IE 9 first:

        IntPtr intptr = FindWindowEx(ieFrame, IntPtr.Zero, "WorkerW", null);
        if (intptr == IntPtr.Zero)
            // IE8 and IE7
            intptr = FindWindowEx(ieFrame, IntPtr.Zero, "CommandBarClass", null);
        intptr = FindWindowEx(intptr, IntPtr.Zero, "ReBarWindow32", null);
        intptr = FindWindowEx(intptr, IntPtr.Zero, "TabBandClass", null);
        intptr = FindWindowEx(intptr, IntPtr.Zero, "DirectUIHWND", null);
        return intptr;

    private static IAccessible AccessibleObjectFromWindow(IntPtr hwnd)

        Guid guid = new Guid("{2359BD84-0175-4783-8909-CBD181217D3C}"); // IAccessible
        object obj = null;
        uint id = 0U;
        int num = AccessibleObjectFromWindow(hwnd, id, ref guid, ref obj);
        var acc = (IAccessible)obj;
        return acc;

    private static object[] GetAccessibleChildren(IAccessible ao)
        var childs = 0;
        object[] ret = null;
        int count = 0;
        count = ao.accChildCount;
        MessageBox.Show("Count value : " + count);
        if (count > 0)
            ret = new object[count];
            AccessibleChildren(ao, 0, count, ret, out childs);
        return ret;

    private static IAccessible FindAccessibleDescendant(IAccessible parent, String strName)
        int c = 0; 
          c =  parent.accChildCount;
        if (c == 0)
            return null;

        var children = AccChildren(parent);

        foreach (var child in children)
            if (child == null) continue;
            if (strName.Equals(child.get_accName(0)))
                return child;

            var x = FindAccessibleDescendant(child, strName);
            if (x != null) return x;

        return null;

    private static List<IAccessible> AccChildren(IAccessible accessible)
        object[] res = GetAccessibleChildren(accessible);
        var list = new List<IAccessible>();
        if (res == null) return list;

        foreach (object obj in res)
            IAccessible acc = obj as IAccessible;
            if (acc != null) list.Add(acc);
        return list;

    private static string UrlForTab(IAccessible tab)
            var desc = tab.get_accDescription(0);
            if (desc != null)
                if (desc.Contains("\n"))
                    string url = desc.Substring(desc.IndexOf("\n")).Trim();
                    return url;
                    return desc;
        catch { }
        return "??";

    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx(IntPtr hwndParent,
                                              IntPtr hwndChildAfter,
                                              string lpszClass,
                                              string lpszWindow);
    internal static extern int AccessibleObjectFromWindow
        (IntPtr hwnd, uint id, ref Guid iid,
         [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] ref object ppvObject);

    private static extern int AccessibleChildren(IAccessible paccContainer, int iChildStart, int cChildren, [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] object[] rgvarChildren, out int pcObtained);



.net internet-explorer automation ieaddon


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