我还提供了一个简单的Swift NSView实现。
func pasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard?, item _: NSPasteboardItem, provideDataForType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType)
// Some definitions to help reduce the verbosity of our code
let PasteboardFileURLPromise = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType(rawValue: kPasteboardTypeFileURLPromise)
let PasteboardFilePromiseContent = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType(rawValue: kPasteboardTypeFilePromiseContent)
let PasteboardFilePasteLocation = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType(rawValue: "com.apple.pastelocation")
class MyView: NSView {
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
let pasteboardItem = NSPasteboardItem()
// (1, 2) Tell the pasteboard item that we will provide both file and content promises
pasteboardItem.setDataProvider(self, forTypes: [PasteboardFileURLPromise, PasteboardFilePromiseContent])
// Create the dragging item for the drag operation
let draggingItem = NSDraggingItem(pasteboardWriter: pasteboardItem)
draggingItem.setDraggingFrame(self.bounds, contents: image())
// Start the dragging session
beginDraggingSession(with: [draggingItem], event: event, source: self)
然后,在您的Pasteboard Item Data提供程序扩展中...
extension MyView: NSPasteboardItemDataProvider {
func pasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard?, item _: NSPasteboardItem, provideDataForType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType) {
if type == PasteboardFilePromiseContent {
// The receiver will send this asking for the content type for the drop, to figure out
// whether it wants to/is able to accept the file type (3).
// In my case, I want to be able to drop a file containing PDF from my app onto
// the desktop or another app, so, add the UTI for the pdf (4).
pasteboard?.setString("com.adobe.pdf", forType: PasteboardFilePromiseContent)
else if type == PasteboardFileURLPromise {
// The receiver is interested in our data, and is happy with the format that we told it
// about during the kPasteboardTypeFilePromiseContent request.
// The receiver has passed us a URL where we are to write our data to (5).
// It is now waiting for us to respond with a kPasteboardTypeFileURLPromise
guard let str = pasteboard?.string(forType: PasteboardFilePasteLocation),
let destinationFolderURL = URL(string: str) else {
// ERROR:- Receiver didn't tell us where to put the file?
// Here, we build the file destination using the receivers destination URL
// NOTE: - you need to manage duplicate filenames yourself!
let destinationFileURL = destinationFolderURL.appendingPathComponent("dropped_file.pdf")
// Write your data to the destination file (6). Do better error handling here!
let pdfData = self.dataWithPDF(inside: self.bounds)
try? pdfData.write(to: destinationFileURL, options: .atomicWrite)
// And finally, tell the receiver where we wrote our file (7)
pasteboard?.setString(destinationFileURL.absoluteString, forType: PasteboardFileURLPromise)
我希望我的搜索从Apple的Developer页面而不是Google started开始。那好吧!提供的示例有效并且仍然有效,因此,如果这篇文章可以帮助某人找到有关拖放的更多衔接信息,那就太棒了。