
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试开发这个功能。 [phi, M] = moment_curvature_relationship(l, b, h, c_bot, c_top, As, Asc, del_dot, del_phi, n_fibres, epsilon_s_max, N_axis, tol, dy0, rho, f_c, fy, Es, Esp);

function [sigma_st, st_ten_yield] = stress_strain_steel(epsilon_s, fy, Es, Esp, es_dot)
    % epsilon_s - strain in steel
    % fy - yield strength of steel
    % Es - modulus of elasticity of steel
    % Esp - post-yield modulus of steel

    % Initialize stress array
    sigma_st = zeros(size(epsilon_s));
    % Calculate Dynamic Increase Factor of yield strength
    DIF_st = (es_dot / (10^-4)) .^ (0.074 - 0.04 * fy / 414);
    % Define yield strain
    epsilon_y = DIF_st * fy / Es; 

    % Check if the steel strain exceeds yield strain
    if abs(epsilon_s) >= abs(epsilon_y)
        st_ten_yield = true;  % Steel has yielded
        st_ten_yield = false; % Steel has not yet yielded

    % Calculate stress-strain behavior of steel bar in compression (-ve)
    % and tension (+ve)
    % Elastic compression
    steel_comp_elastic = (epsilon_s <= 0) & (epsilon_s >= - epsilon_y);
    sigma_st(steel_comp_elastic) = Es .* epsilon_s(steel_comp_elastic);
    % Compression steel hardening
    steel_comp_hard = (epsilon_s < - epsilon_y);
    sigma_st(steel_comp_hard) = - (DIF_st .* fy + Esp .* (abs(epsilon_s(steel_comp_hard)) - (DIF_st .* fy / Es)));

    % Elastic tension
    steel_tens_elastic = (epsilon_s >= 0) & (epsilon_s <= epsilon_y);
    sigma_st(steel_tens_elastic) = Es .* epsilon_s(steel_tens_elastic);
    % Tension steel hardening
    steel_tens_hard = (epsilon_s > epsilon_y);
    sigma_st(steel_tens_hard) = DIF_st .* fy + Esp .* (abs(epsilon_s(steel_tens_hard)) - (DIF_st .* fy / Es));

function [phi, M] = moment_curvature_relationship(l, b, h, c_bot, c_top, As, Asc, del_dot, del_phi, n_fibers, epsilon_s_max, N_axial, dy0, tol, rho, f_c, fy, Es, Esp)
    % Curvature rate conversion from mid-span loading, del_dot
    phi_dot = del_dot * 12 / l^2;
    % Preallocate arrays for output
    phi = []; % Curvature
    M = []; % Moment

    % Initialize variables
    c = 0; % Initial curvature condition
    termination = false; % Analysis termination flag
    % Create condition for loop termination
    while ~termination        

        %Assume neutral axis depth
        y0 = h/2;
        % Assume large difference initially for the loop
        diff = inf;
        % Initilize Moment in fiber elements for neutral axis 
        bending_moment = 0;
        % Limit max number of iterations 
        max_iter = 10; % Limit to number of iterations
        iter_count = 0; % Initialize iteration count 

        % Convergence based on the equilibrium of normal forces 
        % Iterating neutral axis position
        while abs(diff) > tol && iter_count < max_iter       
            % Initialize concrete fiber element variables
            y = zeros(n_fibers, 1); % Array for position of fiber
            epsilon = zeros(n_fibers, 1); % Array for strain in fiber element
            e_dot = zeros(n_fibers, 1); % Array for strain rate in fiber element
            sigma = zeros(n_fibers, 1); % Array for stress in fiber element
            N_c = zeros(1, n_fibers); % Array to store force in each fiber element
            M_c = zeros(1, n_fibers); % Array tp store moment in each fiber element

            % Iterate over each fiber element for stress and force calculation
                for i = 1:n_fibers
                    y(i) = (i - 0.5) * h / n_fibers; % fiber position             
                    % Strain in concrete fiber element 
                    epsilon(i) = c .* (y0 - y(i));
                    % Strain rate in concrete fiber element 
                    e_dot(i) = abs(y0 - y(i)) * phi_dot;

                    % Stress in fiber
                    sigma(i) = stress_strain_concrete(rho, f_c, epsilon(i), e_dot(i));
                    % Force contribution from concrete fiber
                    A_c = b * h / n_fibers; %Area of each fiber
                    N_c(i) = sigma(i) * A_c;

                    % Moment contribution from concrete fiber
                    M_c(i) = N_c(i) * (y0 - y(i));                    
            % Calculate strain of steel fiber
            ys = c_bot; % Positions of steel rebars (tension, compression)
            % If Asc (compression steel area) is greater than 0, include compression steel
            if Asc > 0
                ys = [c_bot, c_top]; % Positions of tensile and compression steel
            % Initialize array for storing variables
            epsilon_s = zeros(length(ys), 1);
            es_dot = zeros(length(ys), 1);
            sigma_st = zeros(1, length(ys));
            N_s = zeros(1, length(ys)); % Total comtribution of steel fiber to axial force
            M_s = zeros(1, length(ys)); % Total moment contribution of steel fiber
            st_ten_yield_total = false; % Flag to track tensile steel yielding 

            for i = 1:length(ys)
                epsilon_s(i) = c * (y0 - ys(i)); % Strain in steel rebars
                es_dot(i) = abs(ys(i) - y0) * phi_dot; % Strain rate in steel rebar

                [sigma_st(i), st_ten_yield(i)] = stress_strain_steel(epsilon_s(i), fy, Es, Esp, es_dot(i));
                % If this is the tensile steel (i == 1) and it yields, print phi
                if i == 1 && st_ten_yield(i) && ~st_ten_yield_total
                    fprintf('Curvature phi at which epsilon_s(1) reaches yield strain: %.6f\n', c);
                    st_ten_yield_total = true; % Ensure this is only printed once

                % Loop for calculating Area of steel fiber
                if i == 1
                    A_s = As; % Area of tensile steel fiber
                elseif i == 2
                    A_s = Asc; % Area of compression steel fiber
                N_s(i) = sigma_st(i) .* A_s; % Force contribution from steel fiber
                M_s(i) = N_s(i) .* (y0 - ys(i)); % Moment contribution from steel fiber           
            % Total force contibution
            N_total = sum(N_c) + sum(N_s); % Total axial force
            % Calculate force residual
            diff = N_total - N_axial;
            % Adjust neutral axis position (y0)

            % Numerical derivative for Newton-Raphson
            y0_pert = y0 + dy0; % Perturbed neutral axis

            % Recompute N_total for perturbed y0
            % (Repeating calculation for N_total using y0_pert in place of y0)                              
            % Reinitialize accumulated variables
            % Re-Initialize concrete fiber element variables for perturbed
            % state
            y_pert = zeros(n_fibers, 1); % Array for position of fiber
            epsilon_pert = zeros(n_fibers, 1); % Array for strain in fiber element
            sigma_pert = zeros(n_fibers, 1); % Array for stress in fiber element
            e_dot_pert = zeros(n_fibers, 1); % Array to store strain rate in fiber element
            N_c_pert = zeros(1, n_fibers); % Array to store force in each fiber element

            % Iterate over each fiber element for stress and force calculation
                for i = 1:n_fibers
                    y_pert(i) = (i - 0.5) * h / n_fibers; % fiber position             
                    % Strain in concrete fiber element 
                    epsilon_pert(i) = c .* (y0_pert - y(i));
                    % Strain rate in concrete fiber element 
                    e_dot_pert(i) = abs(y0_pert - y(i)) * phi_dot;

                    % Stress in fiber
                    sigma_pert(i) = stress_strain_concrete(rho, f_c, epsilon_pert(i), e_dot_pert(i));
                    % Force contribution from concrete fiber
                    A_c = b * h / n_fibers; %Area of each fiber
                    N_c_pert(i) = sigma_pert(i) * A_c;
            % Re-Initialize array for storing variables for perturbed state
            epsilon_s_pert = zeros(length(ys), 1);
            es_dot_pert = zeros(length(ys), 1);
            sigma_st_pert = zeros(length(ys), 1);
            N_s_pert = zeros(1, length(ys)); % Reset total steel axial force for perturbed calculation
            for i = 1:length(ys)
                epsilon_s_pert(i) = c * (y0_pert - ys(i)); % Strain in steel rebars
                es_dot_pert(i) = abs(ys(i) - y0_pert) * phi_dot; % Strain rate in steel rebar

                sigma_st_pert(i) = stress_strain_steel(epsilon_s_pert(i), fy, Es, Esp, es_dot_pert(i));
                % Loop for calculating Area of steel fiber
                if i == 1
                    A_s = As; % Area of tensile steel fiber
                elseif i == 2
                    A_s = Asc; % Area of compression steel fiber
                N_s_pert(i) = sigma_st_pert(i) .* A_s; % Force contribution from steel fiber

            % Total force contibution
            N_total_pert = sum(N_c_pert) + sum(N_s_pert); % Total axial force            
            % Compute derivative of N with respect to y0
            dN_dy0 = (N_total_pert - N_total) / dy0;
            % Newton-Raphson update of y0
            y0 = y0 - (N_total - N_axial) / dN_dy0;

            % Exit if y0 goes beyond bounds
            if y0 <= c_bot || y0 >= h
                termination = true;
                fprintf('The value of y0: %.2f mm goes beyond bounds. \n', y0);
            % Exit if maximum iterations reached without convergence
            elseif iter_count == max_iter
                fprintf('Newton-Raphson did not converge after %d iterations. \n, ', max_iter);

            % Increment iteration count
            iter_count = iter_count + 1;            
        % Calculate bending moment contribution from concrete and steel
        % and any Axial force component (considered here at section mid
        bending_moment = bending_moment + sum(M_c) + sum(M_s) + N_axial * h / 2;                                              
        bending_moment = bending_moment / 1000; % Converted to kNmm
        % Store the outputs for curvature and moment
        phi(end + 1) = c;
        M(end + 1) = bending_moment;
        % Check termination condition for moment-curvature (Here: Fracture strain of tensile steel)
        if max(abs(epsilon_s)) > epsilon_s_max
            termination = true;
        % Increment in curvature
        c = c + del_phi;    


问题在于,在此函数中,st_ten_yield 的打印行被打印多次。有什么解决办法吗?

algorithm function matlab finite-element-analysis


标志,但它在外循环的每次迭代期间都会重置。这就是 print 语句被执行多次的原因。要使打印语句仅执行一次(拉伸钢第一次屈服),您可以将

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