function makeAppointment (agent) {
// Use the Dialogflow's date and time parameters to create Javascript Date instances, 'dateTimeStart' and 'dateTimeEnd',
// which are used to specify the appointment's time.
const appointmentDuration = 1;// Define the length of the appointment to be one hour.
const dateTimeStart = convertParametersDate(agent.parameters.date, agent.parameters.time,timeZoneOffset);
const dateTimeEnd = addHours(dateTimeStart, appointmentDuration);
const appointmentTimeString = getLocaleTimeString(dateTimeStart);
const appointmentDateString = getLocaleDateString(dateTimeStart);
// Check the availability of the time slot and set up an appointment if the time slot is available on the calendar
return createCalendarEvent(dateTimeStart, dateTimeEnd).then(() => {
agent.add(`Done 😊`);
}).catch(() => {
agent.add(` 😔Sorry check other date`);
function createCalendarEvent (dateTimeStart, dateTimeEnd) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
calendar.events.list({ // List all events in the specified time period
auth: serviceAccountAuth,
calendarId: calendarId,
timeMin: dateTimeStart.toISOString(),
timeMax: dateTimeEnd.toISOString()
}, (err, calendarResponse) => {
// Check if there exists any event on the calendar given the specified the time period
if (err || calendarResponse.data.items.length > 0) {
reject(err || new Error('Die angeforderte Zeit kollidiert mit einem anderen Termin'));
} else {
// Create an event for the requested time period
calendar.events.insert({ auth: serviceAccountAuth,
calendarId: calendarId,
resource: {summary: 'Appointment',
start: {dateTime: dateTimeStart},
end: {dateTime: dateTimeEnd}}
}, (err, event) => {
err ? reject(err) : resolve(event);
我的验证应为:如果dateTimeStart closehourtime
openhourtime = '09:00'closehourtime = '16:00'
假设您使用Google sample code,其中辅助函数在函数convertParametersDate
function makeAppointment (agent) {
// Use the Dialogflow's date and time parameters to create Javascript Date instances, 'dateTimeStart' and 'dateTimeEnd',
// which are used to specify the appointment's time.
const appointmentDuration = 1;// Define the length of the appointment to be one hour.
const dateTimeStart = convertParametersDate(agent.parameters.date, agent.parameters.time,timeZoneOffset);
const dateTimeEnd = addHours(dateTimeStart, appointmentDuration);
const appointmentTimeString = getLocaleTimeString(dateTimeStart);
const appointmentDateString = getLocaleDateString(dateTimeStart);
// Check the availability of the time slot and set up an appointment if the time slot is available on the calendar
//here the new part:
var now = new Date();
var openhour = 9;
var closehour = 16;
if (dateTimeStart.getTime() < now.getTime() || dateTimeStart.getHours() < openhour || dateTimeEnd.getHours()> closehour){
agent.add(` 😔Sorry check other date`);
} else {
return createCalendarEvent(dateTimeStart, dateTimeEnd).then(() => {
agent.add(`Done 😊`);
}).catch(() => {
agent.add(` 😔Sorry check other date`);
用于执行验证的方法是Javascript Date Object方法,特别是getTime(),getHours()和new Date()。