为什么我的代码中不断收到 Valgrind 设置地址范围权限警告?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我不明白我可能做错了什么,导致不断出现此 valgrind 错误。我没有泄漏任何记忆..



  • 有向 – 边有起点和终点。

  • 简单 – 对于任意两个节点 A 和 B,从 A 到 B 至多有一条有向边。

    • 从 B 到 A 的有向边是一条单独的边,也可以存在。 ● 加权 – 每条边都有与之关联的数据。

目标是使用图表来表示地图。顶点代表人们可以存在的地方,顶点之间的边表明人们如何在这些地方之间移动。 OSM(OpenStreetMaps)中的节点是现实世界中的单个点,由我们关心的3个值组成:

  • ID(很长很长,唯一标识符)

  • 纬度(双)

  • 经度(双)

OSM的数据告诉我,起始节点和结束节点恰好是其他路的一部分。这就是我将人行道连接到其他人行道并构建整个图表的方法。我感兴趣的另一种方式是建筑。 OSM 通过其周边的节点来定义建筑物。例如,一个大学校园可能由 13 个节点组成,尽管看起来是矩形的。为了简化我的导航问题,我必须通过平均其周边节点的坐标,将每个建筑物转换为单个节点。因为这些节点没有通过人行道连接到图表,所以我必须添加从建筑中心到附近人行道节点的新边。



#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

/// @brief Simple directed graph using an adjacency list.
/// @tparam VertexT vertex type
/// @tparam WeightT edge weight type
template <typename VertexT, typename WeightT>
class graph {
    /*We are dealing with an adjacency list representation. The elements
      are not required to be sorted based on keys*/
    unordered_map<VertexT, unordered_map<VertexT, WeightT> > adjacencyList;

    /// Default constructor
    graph() {
        // No initialization needed for the adjacency list

    /// @brief Add the vertex `v` to the graph, must run in at most O(log |V|).
    /// @param v
    /// @return true if successfully added; false if it existed already
    bool addVertex(VertexT v) {
        // TODO_STUDENT
        return adjacencyList.emplace(v, unordered_map<VertexT, WeightT>()).second;

    /// @brief Add or overwrite directed edge in the graph, must run in at most O(log |V|).
    /// @param from starting vertex
    /// @param to ending vertex
    /// @param weight edge weight / label
    /// @return true if successfully added or overwritten;
    ///         false if either vertices isn't in graph
    bool addEdge(VertexT from, VertexT to, WeightT weight) {
        // TODO_STUDENT
        if (adjacencyList.find(from) != adjacencyList.end() && adjacencyList.find(to) 
            != adjacencyList.end()) {
                adjacencyList[from][to] = weight;
                return true;
        return false;

    /// @brief Maybe get the weight associated with a given edge, must run in at most O(log |V|).
    /// @param from starting vertex
    /// @param to ending vertex
    /// @param weight output parameter
    /// @return true if the edge exists, and `weight` is set;
    ///         false if the edge does not exist
    bool getWeight(VertexT from, VertexT to, WeightT& weight) const {
        // TODO_STUDENT
        auto fromIt = adjacencyList.find(from);
        if (fromIt != adjacencyList.end()) {
            auto toIt = fromIt->second.find(to);
            if (toIt != fromIt->second.end()) {
                weight = toIt->second;
                return true;

        return false;

    /// @brief Get the out-neighbors of `v`. Must run in at most O(|V|).
    /// @param v
    /// @return vertices that v has an edge to
    set<VertexT> neighbors(VertexT v) const {
        set<VertexT> S; //A set that will store the out-neighbors of the vertex v
        // TODO_STUDENT
        auto it = adjacencyList.find(v); 

        if (it != adjacencyList.end()) {
            for (const auto& neighbor : it->second) {
        return S; //Returns the out-neighbors of the vertex

    /// @brief Return a vector containing all vertices in the graph
    vector<VertexT> getVertices() const {
        // TODO_STUDENT
        vector<VertexT> vertices; //Vector that will store all vertices present in the graph
        for (const auto& pair : adjacencyList) {
        return vertices;

    /// @brief Get the number of vertices in the graph. Runs in O(1).
    size_t NumVertices() const {
        return adjacencyList.size();

    /// @brief Get the number of directed edges in the graph. Runs in at most O(|V|).
    size_t NumEdges() const {
        size_t numEdges = 0;
        for (const auto& pair : adjacencyList) {
            numEdges += pair.second.size(); // Increment by the number of outgoing edges for each vertex
        return numEdges;


#include "application.h"

#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip> /*setprecision*/
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>

#include "dist.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "osm.h"
#include "tinyxml2.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace tinyxml2;

double INF = numeric_limits<double>::max(); 

graph<long long, double> buildGraph(
    const map<long long, Coordinates>& Nodes,
    const vector<FootwayInfo>& Footways,
    const vector<BuildingInfo>& Buildings) {
    graph<long long, double> G;
    for (const auto& node : Nodes) {

    for (const auto& footway : Footways) { //For each footway
        for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < nodes.size(); ++i) {
            long long from = nodes.at(i); 
            long long to = nodes.at(i + 1); 
            double distance = distBetween2Points(Nodes.at(from).Lat, Nodes.at(from).Lon, 
            Nodes.at(to).Lat, Nodes.at(to).Lon);
            G.addEdge(from, to, distance);
            G.addEdge(to, from, distance);

    for (const auto& building : Buildings) {

        for (const auto& node : Nodes) {
            if (node.second.OnFootway && distBetween2Points(building.Coords.Lat, building.Coords.Lon, node.second.Lat, node.second.Lon) < 0.041) {
                G.addEdge(building.Coords.ID, node.first, distBetween2Points(building.Coords.Lat, building.Coords.Lon, node.second.Lat, node.second.Lon));
                G.addEdge(node.first, building.Coords.ID, distBetween2Points(building.Coords.Lat, building.Coords.Lon, node.second.Lat, node.second.Lon)); // Bidirectional edge
    return G;

class prioritize {
    bool operator()(const pair<double, long long>& p1, const pair<double, long long>& p2) const {
        return p1.first > p2.first; // Compare based on the first element (distance)

vector<long long> dijkstra(
    const graph<long long, double>& G,
    long long start,
    long long target,
    const set<long long>& ignoreNodes) {
    vector<long long> path; //Vector to sore the shortest path

    /*Priority queue to store vertices with their respective distances*/
    priority_queue<pair<double, long long>, vector<pair<double, long long> >, prioritize> worklist;

    unordered_map<long long, double> distances;
    unordered_map<long long, long long> previous;
    set<long long> visited;

    if (start == target) {
        return {start};

    for (long long vertex : G.getVertices()) {
          distances[vertex] = INF; // Set initial distance to

    distances[start] = 0; //Sets distance to start the vertex to 0
    worklist.push(make_pair(0, start)); //Push the start vertex to the priority queue
    while (!worklist.empty()) {
        long long current = worklist.top().second; 
        double distance = distances.at(current);

        worklist.pop();  // Pops the vertex with the smallest distance
        if(current == target) { break; }
        if (visited.count(current)) continue;

        // Update distances of neighbors
        for (long long neighbor : G.neighbors(current)) {
            // Skip ignored nodes
            if (ignoreNodes.count(neighbor) && neighbor != target) continue;
            double weight = 0.0;
            double edgeExists = G.getWeight(current, neighbor, weight);
            if (!edgeExists) continue; 

            if (distance + weight < distances[neighbor] || distances.count(neighbor) == 0) {
                distances[neighbor] = distance + weight;
                previous[neighbor] = current; // Update previous vertex
                worklist.push(make_pair(distances[neighbor], neighbor));

    long long current = target;
    while (current != start) {

        current = previous[current]; 
    reverse(path.begin(), path.end()); // Reverse the path to get the correct order

    return path;

double pathLength(const graph<long long, double>& G, const vector<long long>& path) {
    double length = 0.0;
    double weight = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < path.size(); i++) {
        bool res = G.getWeight(path.at(i), path.at(i + 1), weight);
        length += weight;
    return length;

void outputPath(const vector<long long>& path) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
        cout << path.at(i);
        if (i != path.size() - 1) {
            cout << "->";
    cout << endl;

void application(
    const vector<BuildingInfo>& Buildings,
    const graph<long long, double>& G) {
    string person1Building, person2Building;

    set<long long> buildingNodes;
    for (const auto& building : Buildings) {

    cout << endl;
    cout << "Enter person 1's building (partial name or abbreviation), or #> ";
    getline(cin, person1Building);

    while (person1Building != "#") {
        cout << "Enter person 2's building (partial name or abbreviation)> ";
        getline(cin, person2Building);

        // find the building coordinates
        bool foundP1 = false;
        bool foundP2 = false;
        Coordinates P1Coords, P2Coords;
        string P1Name, P2Name;

        for (const BuildingInfo& building : Buildings) {
            if (building.Abbrev == person1Building) {
                foundP1 = true;
                P1Name = building.Fullname;
                P1Coords = building.Coords;
            if (building.Abbrev == person2Building) {
                foundP2 = true;
                P2Name = building.Fullname;
                P2Coords = building.Coords;

        for (const BuildingInfo& building : Buildings) {
            if (!foundP1 &&
                building.Fullname.find(person1Building) != string::npos) {
                foundP1 = true;
                P1Name = building.Fullname;
                P1Coords = building.Coords;
            if (!foundP2 && building.Fullname.find(person2Building) != string::npos) {
                foundP2 = true;
                P2Name = building.Fullname;
                P2Coords = building.Coords;

        if (!foundP1) {
            cout << "Person 1's building not found" << endl;
        } else if (!foundP2) {
            cout << "Person 2's building not found" << endl;
        } else {
            cout << endl;
            cout << "Person 1's point:" << endl;
            cout << " " << P1Name << endl << " " << P1Coords.ID << endl;
            cout << " (" << P1Coords.Lat << ", " << P1Coords.Lon << ")" << endl;
            cout << "Person 2's point:" << endl;
            cout << " " << P2Name << endl << " " << P2Coords.ID << endl;
            cout << " (" << P2Coords.Lat << ", " << P2Coords.Lon << ")" << endl;

            string destName = "";
            Coordinates destCoords;

            Coordinates centerCoords = centerBetween2Points(
                P1Coords.Lat, P1Coords.Lon, P2Coords.Lat, P2Coords.Lon);

            double minDestDist = numeric_limits<double>::max();

            for (const BuildingInfo& building : Buildings) {
                double dist = distBetween2Points(
                    centerCoords.Lat, centerCoords.Lon,
                    building.Coords.Lat, building.Coords.Lon);
                if (dist < minDestDist) {
                    minDestDist = dist;
                    destCoords = building.Coords;
                    destName = building.Fullname;

            cout << "Destination Building:" << endl;
            cout << " " << destName << endl;
            cout << " " << destCoords.ID << endl; 
            cout << " (" << destCoords.Lat << ", " << destCoords.Lon << ")" << endl;
            vector<long long> P1Path = dijkstra(G, P1Coords.ID, destCoords.ID, buildingNodes);
            vector<long long> P2Path = dijkstra(G, P2Coords.ID, destCoords.ID, buildingNodes);
            // This should NEVER happen with how the graph is built
            if (P1Path.empty() || P2Path.empty()) {
                cout << endl;
                cout << "At least one person was unable to reach the destination building. Is an edge missing?" << endl;
                cout << endl;
            } else {
                cout << endl;
                cout << "Person 1's distance to dest: " << pathLength(G, P1Path);
                cout << " miles" << endl;
                cout << "Path: ";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "Person 2's distance to dest: " << pathLength(G, P2Path);
                cout << " miles" << endl;
                cout << "Path: ";

        // another navigation?
        cout << endl;
        cout << "Enter person 1's building (partial name or abbreviation), or #> ";
        getline(cin, person1Building);



#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "tinyxml2.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace tinyxml2;

// Coordinates:
// the triple (ID, lat, lon)
struct Coordinates {
    long long ID;
    double Lat;
    double Lon;
    bool OnFootway;

    Coordinates() {
        ID = 0;
        Lat = 0.0;
        Lon = 0.0;
        OnFootway = false;

    Coordinates(long long id, double lat, double lon) {
        ID = id;
        Lat = lat;
        Lon = lon;
        OnFootway = false;

// FootwayInfo
// Stores info about one footway in the map.  The ID uniquely identifies
// the footway.  The vector defines points (Nodes) along the footway; the
// vector always contains at least two points.
// Example: think of a footway as a sidewalk, with points n1, n2, ...,
// nx, ny.  n1 and ny denote the endpoints of the sidewalk, and the points
// n2, ..., nx are intermediate points along the sidewalk.
struct FootwayInfo {
    long long ID;
    vector<long long> Nodes;

    FootwayInfo() {
        ID = 0;

    FootwayInfo(long long id) {
        ID = id;

// BuildingInfo
// Defines a campus building with a fullname, an abbreviation (e.g. SEO),
// and the coordinates of the building (id, lat, lon).
struct BuildingInfo {
    string Fullname;
    string Abbrev;
    Coordinates Coords;

    BuildingInfo() {
        Fullname = "";
        Abbrev = "";
        Coords = Coordinates();

    BuildingInfo(string fullname, string abbrev, long long id, double lat, double lon) {
        Fullname = fullname;
        Abbrev = abbrev;
        Coords = Coordinates(id, lat, lon);

// Functions:
bool LoadOpenStreetMap(string filename, XMLDocument& xmldoc);
int ReadMapNodes(XMLDocument& xmldoc, map<long long, Coordinates>& Nodes);
int ReadFootways(XMLDocument& xmldoc,
                 map<long long, Coordinates>& Nodes,
                 vector<FootwayInfo>& Footways);
int ReadUniversityBuildings(XMLDocument& xmldoc,
                            const map<long long, Coordinates>& Nodes,
                            vector<BuildingInfo>& Buildings);


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>  /*setprecision*/
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>

#include "tinyxml2.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "osm.h"
#include "application.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace tinyxml2;

int main() {
  // maps a Node ID to it's coordinates (lat, lon)
  map<long long, Coordinates>  Nodes;
  // info about each footway, in no particular order
  vector<FootwayInfo>          Footways;
  // info about each building, in no particular order
  vector<BuildingInfo>         Buildings;
  XMLDocument                  xmldoc;

  cout << "** Navigating UIC open street map **" << endl;
  // cout << endl;
  cout << std::setprecision(8);

  string default_filename = "uic-2024.osm";
  string filename;

  // cout << "Enter map filename> ";
  // getline(cin, filename);

  if (filename == "") {
    filename = default_filename;

  // Load XML-based map file
  if (!LoadOpenStreetMap(filename, xmldoc)) {
    cout << "**Error: unable to load open street map." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    return 0;

  // Read the nodes, which are the various known positions on the map:
  int nodeCount = ReadMapNodes(xmldoc, Nodes);

  // Read the footways, which are the walking paths:
  int footwayCount = ReadFootways(xmldoc, Nodes, Footways);

  // Read the university buildings:
  int buildingCount = ReadUniversityBuildings(xmldoc, Nodes, Buildings);

  // Stats
  assert(nodeCount == (int)Nodes.size());
  assert(footwayCount == (int)Footways.size());
  assert(buildingCount == (int)Buildings.size());

  // cout << endl;
  cout << "# of nodes: " << Nodes.size() << endl;
  cout << "# of footways: " << Footways.size() << endl;
  cout << "# of buildings: " << Buildings.size() << endl;

  // Build graph from input data
  graph<long long, double> G = buildGraph(Nodes, Footways, Buildings);

  // More stats
  cout << "# of vertices: " << G.NumVertices() << endl;
  cout << "# of edges: " << G.NumEdges() << endl;
  application(Buildings, G);

  cout << "** Done **" << endl;
  return 0;



UIC 学术及住宅综合体 (ARC)











人 1 到目的地的距离:0.13975891 英里

路径:664275388->2412572929->1645208827->464345369->463814052->464748194->462010750->462010751->9862302685->9870872111-> 151676521

第 2 个人到目的地的距离:0.16077909 英里


c++ computer-science valgrind googletest priority-queue

您的问题不包含有关 valgrind 方面的大量详细信息(例如,缺少 valgrind 的版本、生成的确切警告以及您正在使用的选项)。 但在 valgrind 的最新版本中,当 valgrind 观察到大小 > 256 MB 的内存区域的分配或映射时,会生成与字符串“set address range perms”匹配的唯一警告。

这只是一个警告,仅在 valgrind 详细程度 > 0 时显示。


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