使用WCF查询eBay API

问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我正在尝试使用我的ASP.NET Core 2.0网站中的eBay API。 eBay的.NET SDK不能与.NET Core一起使用,所以我通过WCF添加了服务。我是WCF的新手,但我不能让这个客户工作。无论我尝试什么,我都会收到此错误:





var rawEbayConfig = Configuration.GetSection("Ebay");
var ebayConfig = rawEbayConfig.Get<EbayConfig>();

// https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/wsapi
var ebayEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(ebayConfig.ApiBaseUrl);

var ebayCreds = new CustomSecurityHeaderType
    Credentials = new UserIdPasswordType
        AppId = ebayConfig.AppId,
        DevId = ebayConfig.DevId,
        AuthCert = ebayConfig.CertId
    eBayAuthToken = ebayConfig.Token

var ebayClient = new eBayAPIInterfaceClient(
    eBayAPIInterfaceClient.EndpointConfiguration.eBayAPI, ebayEndpoint);

var reqType = new GetItemRequestType
    ItemID = "validItemId",
    Version = "809"

var itemResp = await ebayClient.GetItemAsync(_header, reqType); // error thrown here

// do more stuff
c# wcf ebay-api



在开始之前,微软有很多关于WCF here的文档。如果你不熟悉像我这样的WCF,请查看它们。这是使用客户端,而不是服务器。我们只是在谈论eBay的服务器,而不是运行我们自己的服务器。




第一步是将服务引用添加到项目中,并从eBay的服务器生成模型。 eBay为此提供了WSDL文件。我们特别想要this one。您可以使用Visual Studio中的Add Connected Service工具执行此操作。您必须选择一个ASP.NET项目,然后转到Tools > Add Connected Service。使用Microsoft WCF Web Service Reference Provider选项。在URI框中输入.wsdl URL,单击Go,将命名空间更改为您想要的任何名称,然后单击Finish。命名空间纯粹是偏好,我做了我的EbayService。所有其他设置可以保留为默认值。一个框会弹出一堆记录的东西,你可以忽略它并等到它完成。会有一些黄色警告,也可以忽略。

(注意:您也可以使用svcutility生成模型而不是Visual Studio的GUI,但我不会介绍它。)


Web项目现在应该在顶部附近的解决方案资源管理器中有一个名为Connected Services的部分。应该有一个文件夹,名为您之前提供的任何命名空间。 Inside将是一个名为Reference.cs的文件,其中包含eBay服务的所有解析信息。这个文件很大,我的有近122k行。我们需要在这里做几件事。

我们需要做一些查找/替换操作。为此,我们必须找到/替换两个字符串。在替换窗口中打开正则表达式,然后无需替换, Order=\d{1,3}。这捕获了Order是属性上的多个参数之一的情况。然后做同样的事情,但取代Order=\d{1,3}。这样做打破了我遇到的一个类,所以找到类ReviseInventoryStatusRequestType。它有一个名为any1Field的字段和一个名为Any1的属性。删除这两个。


(为什么这样?eBay WSDL文件指定了元素从API返回时所处的顺序,但它们甚至没有接近正确。因此,几乎没有任何响应会实际解析。我们需要删除订单规范,让程序通过名称处理解析。)



public class EbayClient
    // Don't do this, use a proper method of storing app secrets.
    // I have it this way for simplicity in this example.
    const string AppId = "MyAppId";
    const string DevId = "MyDevId";
    const string CertId = "MyCertId";
    const string AuthToken = "MyAuthToken";

    // This is the version of the API that your WSDL file is from. As of this answer
    // the latest version is 1039. All calls need this passed as a parameter.
    const string Version = "1039";

    // This is the base URL for the API.
    // Sandbox: https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/wsapi
    // Production: https://api.ebay.com/wsapi
    const string BaseApiUrl = "https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/wsapi";

    // This is the actual client from the service we just imported. It's being injected
    // here via the built-in DI in ASP.NET Core.
    readonly eBayAPIInterfaceClient _ebay;

    // All of the functions in this class need these credentials passed, so declare it in
    // the constructor to make things easier.
    readonly CustomSecurityHeaderType _creds;

    public EbayClient(eBayAPIInterfaceClient ebay)
        _ebay = ebay;

        _creds = new CustomSecurityHeaderType
            Credentials = new UserIdPasswordType
                AppId = AppId,
                DevId = DevId,
                AuthCert = CertId
            eBayAuthToken = AuthToken

    // This is a wrapper around the API GetItem call.
    public async Task<GetItemResponse> GetItemAsync(string itemId)
        // All of the API requests and responses use their own type of object.
        // This one, naturally, uses GetItemRequest and GetItemResponse.
        var reqType = new GetItemRequest
            GetItemRequest1 = new GetItemRequestType
                ItemID = itemId,
                Version = Version
            RequesterCredentials = _creds

        // The service isn't smart enough to know the endpoint URLs itself, so
        // we have to set it explicitly.
        var addr = new EndpointAddress($"{ApiBaseUrl}?callname=GetItem");

        // This creates a channel from the built-in client's ChannelFactory.
        // See the WCF docs for explanation of this step.
        var ch = _ebay.ChannelFactory.CreateChannel(addr);

        // Actually call the API now
        var itemResp = await ch.GetItemAsync(reqType);

        // Check that the call was a success
        if (itemResp.GetItemResponse1.Ack == AckCodeType.Success)
            // The call succeeded, so handle the data however you want. I created
            // a class to simplify the API class because the API class is massive.
            return new EbayItem
                ItemId = itemResp.GetItemResponse1.Item.ItemID,
                Price = Convert.ToDecimal(itemResp.GetItemResponse1.Item.BuyItNowPrice.Value),
                QuantityAvailable = itemResp.GetItemResponse1.Item.QuantityAvailable

        // Handle an API error however you want. Throw an
        // exception or return null, whatever works for you.
        return null;


我使用built-in ASP.NET Core DI,所以需要设置。基本的eBay客户端类可以是单例,但您的包装类应该是作用域。

Startup.cs / ConfigureServices()

// This is the base client
services.AddSingleton(new eBayAPIInterfaceClient(eBayAPIInterfaceClient.EndpointConfiguration.eBayAPI));

// This is our wrapper



public class ProductsIdExternalController : Controller
    // This is the wrapper class
    readonly EbayClient _ebay;

    public ProductsIdExternalController(EbayClient ebay)
        _ebay = ebay;

    public async Task<IActionResult> Index(string itemId)
        var item = await _ebay.GetItemAsync(itemId);

        // Use the item however you want.
        // Make sure to handle errors in case the item ID doesn't exist.
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