尝试使用在 circleci 项目设置中配置的 ssh 密钥指纹建立与 ec2 实例的 ssh 连接,并使用 ansible 在 circleci 中配置 ec2 实例
TASK [Install Python for Ansible.] *********************************************
task path: /root/project/.circleci/ansible/deploy-backend.yml:22
<3.xxx.xxx.xx> ESTABLISH PARAMIKO SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: ubuntu on PORT 22 TO 3.xxx.xxx.xx
fatal: [3.xxx.xxx.xx]: UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "unpack requires a buffer of 4 bytes",
"unreachable": true
tried to create an ansible,cfg file with
host_key_checking = False