int findMiddle(int[][] grid,int [] m) {
int[] list = new int[grid.length*grid[0].length];
int listPos = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < grid.length; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < grid.length; j++) {
list[listPos++] = grid[i][j];
int middle = m.length/2;
if (m.length%2 == 1) {
return m[middle];
} else {
return (m[middle-1] + m[middle]) / 2.0;
{{0, 1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6, 7},
{8, 9, 0, 1}}
它应该返回 6,因为它是整数除法。 另外,这段代码中middle的定义是整个原始数组的中间整数(不用说是否已排序)。
我该怎么做? (我的代码也无法编译)
static double findMiddle(int[][] grid) {
int[] list = new int[grid.length*grid[0].length];
int listPos = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < grid.length; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < grid[i].length; j++) {
list[listPos++] = grid[i][j];
int middle = list.length/2;
if ((list.length%2) == 1) {
return list[middle];
return (list[middle-1] + list[middle]) / 2.0;
但是,我怀疑您在将数字组合成一个数组后,在找到中间数字之前,需要对它们进行排序。 (正如 piyush121 评论的那样)
假设你对“中位数”的定义是正确的(奇数长度集合的中间数或偶数长度集合的两个中间数的平均值),并且如果 grid[][] 已排序,并且如果 grid[][ ] 是一个方阵(即 grid.length = grid[i].length 对于 0..length-1 中的所有 i,那么您不需要将数据复制到另一个数组。以下应该足够了:
static int findMiddle(int[][] grid) {
int l = grid.length;
if (l%2 == 1) {
return grid[l/2][l/2];
} else {
return (grid[l/2-1][l-1]+grid[l/2][0])/2;
为了满足您的兴趣,这里有一个 Java 8 解决方案可以做到这一点:
int[] flat = Arrays.stream(grid).flatMapToInt(Arrays::stream).toArray();
double middle = Arrays.stream(flat).skip(flat.length / 2).limit(1 + flat.length % 2)
[ To get the value of the center of Matrix ( 2-dimensional ) Array of an odd squared matrix Array ]
you have to follow these steps ;
1. Divide your array by 2 and check the remainder is equal to 1
2. Store it in a middle variable
3. Get value of Matrix[middle][middle] e.g ( 3 , 3 ) or ( 5 , 5 ) etc.
4. Return the value
public static int getMiddleValue(int[][] matrix) {
// Check if the array is not empty
if (matrix == null || matrix.length == 0 || matrix.length != matrix[0].length) {
return -1; // Invalid array
// Check if the number of rows and columns are odd
int numRows = matrix.length;
int numCols = matrix[0].length;
if (numRows % 2 == 0 || numCols % 2 == 0) {
return -1; // Not a square matrix with odd dimensions
// Find the middle index
int middleIndex = numRows / 2;
// Retrieve the middle value`enter code here`
int middleValue = matrix[middleIndex][middleIndex];
return middleValue;