要在不使用递归的情况下获取树的高度,就是对树进行 BFS(非递归)。并跟踪您所达到的级别。最后一层的数字应该是你的树的深度。
Q: Queue like data structure
root: root of your tree
couter = 0 // variable which will denote depth.
1. Q -> add ( root)
2. while ( Q is not empty)
2.1 size = Q-> size ();
2.2 while( size -- > 0)
2.2.1 Process your tree
2.2.2 Increment: Counter
End of While (2.2)
End of While (2)
int heightOfBinaryTree(struct BinaryTree *root) {
if (!root) {
return 0;
int level = 0;
// queue to traverse the tree
struct Queue *q = createQueue();
// end of first level
enqueue(q, NULL);
while (!isEmpty(q)) {
root = dequeue(q);
// completion of first level.
if (root == NULL) {
// put another mark for next level
if (!isEmpty(q)) {
enqueue(q, NULL);
else {
if (root -> left) {
enqueue(q, root -> left);
if (root -> right) {
enqueue(q, root -> right);
return level;