如何获得由 python 自动生成的描述 itertertools.combinations 中所有可迭代对象顺序的公式?

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我正在用 python 编码,我正在尝试使用函数 get_formula 来获取设置为函数的 itertools.combinations 变量的数学公式。我还没有获得用于该函数的代码但我正在寻找有人帮助我展示如何首先获得可迭代公式的顺序,以便稍后我可以将其放在那里。


from itertools import combinations

def function3():
   #Just a placeholder for my actual code
  return range(0,300)

def get_formula(itertools):
   #Where I want to inject some code into my combinations function so I can get the formula
  return itertools

combinations0 = combinations(function3(),len(function3()))

combinations1 = get_formula(combinations0)

正如你在 get_formula 函数中看到的那样,我想做一些类似将代码注入到combinations0 中的事情,这样我就可以自动获取 python 生成的公式。这就是我现在想做的一切。在函数 get_formula 最后,它将打印生成的数学公式,描述组合的顺序。

python python-3.x python-itertools
import math
from itertools import combinations

def function3():
    # A placeholder function returning a range of 300
    return range(0, 300)

def get_formula(n, k):
    # Returns the formula for the number of combinations
    return math.comb(n, k)  # This directly calculates C(n, k)

# Get the length of the iterable (n) and the number of elements to choose (k)
n = len(function3())  # 300
k = len(function3())  # If you want to choose all elements, k is also 300

# Calculate the number of combinations
combinations_count = get_formula(n, k)

# Print the mathematical formula result
print(f"The number of combinations (C({n}, {k})) is: {combinations_count}")

# Generate the actual combinations using itertools
combinations0 = combinations(function3(), k)

# You can iterate through combinations0 or just get the count like this:
print(f"The number of combinations generated is: {sum(1 for _ in combinations0)}")
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