我正在慢慢从 ckeditor4 迁移到 ckeditor5,但它要复杂得多。
我有专用按钮来插入非常具体的图像以节省时间,因此尝试将它们移至 ckeditor5。但是,我不知道如何设置插入图像的宽度?
class InsertImage extends Plugin {
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
editor.ui.componentFactory.add( 'InsertImage', () => {
const button = new ButtonView();
button.set( {
label: 'label',
tooltip: 'label',
icon: '<svg fill="#000000" height="800px" width="800px" version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
viewBox="0 0 490 490" xml:space="preserve"><polygon points="452.253,28.326 197.831,394.674 29.044,256.875 0,292.469 207.253,461.674 490,54.528 "/></svg>',
withText: false
} );
// Execute a callback function when the button is clicked
button.on( 'execute', () => {
// Change the model using the model writer
editor.model.change( writer => {
const imageElement = writer.createElement('imageBlock', {
src: '/image/address/image.png'
editor.model.insertContent(imageElement, editor.model.document.selection);
} );
} );
return button;
} );
在CKEditor 5中,插入图像时需要在模型中设置宽度、高度或alt等图像属性。
editor.model.change(writer => {
const imageElement = writer.createElement('imageBlock', {
src: '/image/address/image.png',
width: '300px' // Set the width attribute here
editor.model.insertContent(imageElement, editor.model.document.selection);