我正在编写一个可以检查各种事情的代码。 代码中的所有内容都工作正常,除了根据我的导师的说法,有两项检查失败了,而且我没有看到哪里出错了。 有人可以看一下并指出我正确的方向吗?
Tests that an ItemToPurchase can be given a name "Chocolate Chips", a price $3, and a quantity 1.
Your output
Item 1
Enter the item name:
2:Unit test
0 / 1
Tests that default constructor initializes attributes correctly.
Your output
Item 1
Enter the item name:
# Type code for classes here
class ItemToPurchase:
def __init__(self):
self.item_name = "None"
self.item_price = 0
self.item_quantity = 0
def print_item_cost(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
item_name = 'Enter the item name:'
item_price = 'Enter the item price:'
item_quantity = 'Enter the item quantity:'
# Type main section of code here
# Item 1
print('Item 1')
item1_name = input('Enter the item name:\n')
item1_price = int(input('Enter the item price:\n'))
item1_quantity = int(input('Enter the item quantity:\n\n'))
#Item 2
print('Item 2')
item2_name = input('Enter the item name:\n')
item2_price = int(input('Enter the item price:\n'))
item2_quantity = int(input('Enter the item quantity:\n\n'))
#Combined Total
combined_total = (item1_price * item1_quantity) + (item2_price * item2_quantity)
print ('TOTAL COST')
print ('{} {} @ ${} = ${}'.format(item1_name, item1_quantity, item1_price, item1_price * item1_quantity))
print ('{} {} @ ${} = ${}\n'.format(item2_name,item2_quantity , item2_price, item2_price * item2_quantity))
print ('Total: ${}'.format(combined_total))
我终于明白了。 这是我完成的代码。
class ItemToPurchase:
def __init__(self):
self.item_name = 'none'
self.item_price = 0
self.item_quantity = 0
def print_item_cost(self):
return '{} {} @ ${} = ${}'.format(self.item_name,self.item_quantity, self.item_price, (self.item_quantity * self.item_price))
if __name__ == "__main__":
item1 = ItemToPurchase()
print('Item 1')
name = input('Enter the item name:\n')
price = int(input('Enter the item price:\n'))
quantity = int(input('Enter the item quantity:\n\n'))
item1.item_name = name
item1.item_price = price
item1.item_quantity = quantity
item2 = ItemToPurchase()
print('Item 2')
name = input('Enter the item name:\n')
price = int(input('Enter the item price:\n'))
quantity = int(input('Enter the item quantity:\n\n'))
item2.item_name = name
item2.item_price = price
item2.item_quantity = quantity
total_cost = (item1.item_price * item1.item_quantity) + (item2.item_price * item2.item_quantity)
print('TOTAL COST')
print ('Total: ${}'.format(total_cost))