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我试图将表重新定位到页面的左侧,所以我尝试了\hskip -2cm\hspace{-2cm},但是这些都不可以移动表,这是我的代码:





\section{Data Summary}


\hskip -2cm
\caption{Summary of numeric variables}

                    &\multicolumn{5}{c}{(1)}                                         \\
                    &\multicolumn{5}{c}{}                                            \\
                    &       count&        mean&          sd&         min&         max\\
Unemployment Rate   &         170&      8.3323&      4.1395&      3.1000&     26.0919\\
log of spending per person for secondary education&         168&      9.0229&      0.4344&      7.6109&      9.9616\\
log of spending per person for teriary education&         165&      9.5241&      0.3967&      8.7797&     10.7478\\
log of exchange rate&         170&      1.0983&      2.0997&     -0.4986&      7.0522\\
log of GDP per person&         168&     10.5306&      0.3592&      9.7330&     11.5213\\
log of GDP fixed purchasing power&         165&     27.0045&      1.4905&     23.3668&     30.5051\\
log of GDP growth   &         159&      1.2268&      0.7896&     -1.7458&      3.0063\\
Long-term interest rate on government bonds&         165&      3.8447&      2.1387&      0.5511&     10.5465\\
Short-term interest rate&         170&      1.7675&      1.9971&      0.0078&     10.3317\\
\item Source: OECD (2019), Education at a Glance Database, http://stats.oecd.org



我的桌子看起来像这样:enter image description here


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\section{Data Summary}


\hskip -2cm
\caption{Summary of numeric variables}
                    &\multicolumn{5}{c}{(1)}                                        \\\addlinespace 
                    &       count&        mean&          sd&         min&         max\\
Unemployment Rate   &         170&      8.3323&      4.1395&      3.1000&     26.0919\\
log of spending per person for secondary education&         168&      9.0229&      0.4344&      7.6109&      9.9616\\
log of spending per person for teriary education&         165&      9.5241&      0.3967&      8.7797&     10.7478\\
log of exchange rate&         170&      1.0983&      2.0997&     -0.4986&      7.0522\\
log of GDP per person&         168&     10.5306&      0.3592&      9.7330&     11.5213\\
log of GDP fixed purchasing power&         165&     27.0045&      1.4905&     23.3668&     30.5051\\
log of GDP growth   &         159&      1.2268&      0.7896&     -1.7458&      3.0063\\
Long-term interest rate on government bonds&         165&      3.8447&      2.1387&      0.5511&     10.5465\\
Short-term interest rate&         170&      1.7675&      1.9971&      0.0078&     10.3317\\
\item Source: OECD (2019), Education at a Glance Database, http://stats.oecd.org


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