在我们为我们的网络测试使用cucumber-jvm的项目中,我遇到了一个问题,到目前为止我无法解决:Se有几个Scenario Outline
| name |
| Alice |
| Bob |
Scenario Outline: Flying to the conference
Given I'm flying to a confernce
When I try to check in at the airport
And my name is <name>
Then I should get my plane ticket
Scenario Outline: Collecting the conference ticket
Given I'm at a conference
When I ask for the ticket for <name>
And show my business card to prove my id
Then I should get my conference ticket
Scenario Outline: Collectiong my personalized swag bag
Given I'm at a conference
When I go to the first booth
And show them my conference ticket with the name <name>
Then they'll give me a swag bag with the name <name> printed onto it
如果你愿意放弃前者并将三者合并为一个场景,那么我可以建议一个支持后者的解决方案。 Cucumber-jvm确实支持在(After) hook via the Scenario object中将文本写入报告的功能。在您的步骤定义类中定义为类变量
private List<String> stepStatusList;
this.stepStatusList = new ArrayList<String>();
this.stepStatusList.add("Scenario sub-part identifier, some status");
在After hook中,将行写入报表。此示例假定您要独立于场景的成功或失败来编写行。
public void setup_cucumber_spring_context(){
// Dummy method so cucumber will recognize this class as glue
// and use its context configuration.
public void captureScreenshotOnFailure(Scenario scenario) {
// write scenario-part status into the report
for (String substatus : this.stepStatusList) {
// On scenario failure, add a screenshot to the cucumber report
if (scenario.isFailed() && webDriver != null) {
try {
WebDriver augemented = new Augmenter().augment(webDriver);
byte[] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) augemented).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
scenario.embed(screenshot, "image/png");
} catch (Exception e) {