keyboard_trigger = Event() 返回“NameError:名称‘Event’未定义”

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


没有键盘中断事件的初始版本可以工作,但是当我尝试使用 CTL-C 退出时,程序停止,但机器人继续移动,直到我物理抓住它并将其关闭。


有效代码的示例非常大(它是一个基于网络的 FPV 远程控制机器人),因此我没有逐字逐句地包含它,而是在 MediaFire 上包含了它的链接,因此这个问题不会成为长得难以忍受。 即:

有困难的代码(对象避免代码)要短得多,所以我已经将它逐字包含了。 # Object Avoidance Robot # Drives in a straight line untill it reaches an obsticle within "X" cm. # It then stops, backs up a few cm, turns a random amount, and then proceeds. import easygopigo3 as easy import time import random import signal import os import sys gpg = easy.EasyGoPiGo3() gpg = easy.EasyGoPiGo3() servo_1 = gpg.init_servo('SERVO1') servo_2 = gpg.init_servo('SERVO2') sleep_time = 0.50 # pause time in seconds my_distance_portI2C = gpg.init_distance_sensor('I2C') time.sleep(0.1) # for triggering the shutdown procedure when a signal is detected keyboard_trigger = Event() def signal_handler(signal, frame): print("Signal detected. Stopping threads.") gpg.stop() keyboard_trigger.set() print("Running: Test Servos.\n") # Read the connected robot's serial number serial_number = gpg.get_id() # read and display the serial number # For testing only - "invalid" serial number # serial_number = "invalid" print("This robot's serial number is\n"+serial_number+"\n") # Servo constants for each robot # Each robot is identified by its unique serial number # Charlene: if serial_number == "A0F6E45F4E514B4B41202020FF152B11": # Charlene's servo constants print("Robot is \"Charlene\"") center_1 = 86 # Horizontal centering - smaller is further right. center_2 = 76 # Vertical centering - smaller is further up. # Charlie: elif serial_number == "64B61037514E343732202020FF111A05": # Charlie's servo constants print("Robot is \"Charlie\"") center_1 = 86 # Horizontal centering - smaller is further right. center_2 = 90 # Vertical centering - smaller is further up. else: # Unknown serial number print("I don't know who robot", serial_number, "is,") print("If we got this far, it's obviously a GoPiGo robot") print("But I don't know what robot it is, so I'm using") print("the default centering constants of 90/90.\n") # Default servo constants print("Robot is \"Unknown\"") print("Please record the robot's serial number, name,") print("and derived centering constants.") center_1 = 90 center_2 = 90 # Start Test Servos # Define excursions right = center_1 - 45 left = center_1 + 45 up = center_2 - 45 down = center_2 + 45 def test_servos(): # Test servos print("\nStarting test:") print("Using centering constants "+str(center_1)+"/"+str(center_2), "for this robot") print("\nCenter Both Servos") servo_1.rotate_servo(center_1) servo_2.rotate_servo(center_2) time.sleep(sleep_time) print("Test Servo 1 (horizontal motion)") servo_1.rotate_servo(right) time.sleep(sleep_time) servo_1.rotate_servo(left) time.sleep(sleep_time) servo_1.rotate_servo(center_1) time.sleep(sleep_time) print("Test Servo 2 (vertical motion)") servo_2.rotate_servo(up) time.sleep(sleep_time) servo_2.rotate_servo(down) time.sleep(sleep_time) print("Re-Center Both Servos") servo_1.rotate_servo(center_1) servo_2.rotate_servo(center_2) time.sleep(sleep_time) servo_1.disable_servo() servo_2.disable_servo() print("Complete: Test Servos - Exiting.") def avoid(): while True: while my_distance_portI2C.read_inches() > 20: gpg.forward() gpg.stop() time.sleep(1) gpg.backward() time.sleep(1) gpg.stop() test_servos() gpg.backward() time.sleep(4) gpg.stop() time.sleep(1) gpg.turn_degrees((random.randint(90, 270)), blocking=True) time.sleep(1) # slowdown #------------------------------------ # Main routine entry point is here #------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__": # registering both types of termination signals signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) test_servos() # make sure servos are centered avoid()"Finished!") sys.exit(0) while not keyboard_trigger.is_set(): sleep(0.25) # until some keyboard event is detected print("\n ==========================\n\n") print("A \"shutdown\" command event was received!\n") gpg.stop() exit() 问题: 当我在 VS Code 中运行 代码时,它可以工作。  (实际上,这不是因为机器人操作系统的这个特定安装尚未安装 nginx - 但它不会因


问题而失败。) 当我在 VS Code 中运行上面的 代码时,它失败并显示: pi@Charlene:~/Project_Files/object_avoidance $ /usr/bin/python /home/pi/Project_Files/object_avoidance/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/Project_Files/object_avoidance/", line 22, in <module> keyboard_trigger = Event() NameError: name 'Event' is not defined pi@Charlene:~/Project_Files/object_avoidance $



。  我同样确信这绝对是愚蠢的事情。 预先感谢您提供的任何帮助。

该错误是由于代码中未定义 Event 对象造成的。在Python中,Event对象来自线程模块,但似乎您还没有在Object_Avoidence.py脚本中导入它。

python python-3.x event-handling

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