我正在使用 Electron 并尝试使用 Amazon SP SPI。不知何故,尽管我的
// apiCall.js
const SellingPartner = require("amazon-sp-api");
require('dotenv').config({ path: './api.env' });
function apiCall(eanNumbers) {
(async () => {
try {
const spClient = new SellingPartner({
region: "eu",
refresh_token: process.env.REFRESH_TOKEN,
credentials: {
let res = await spClient.callAPI({
operation: "searchCatalogItems",
endpoint: "catalogItems",
marketplaceIds: ["A1PA6795UKMFR9"],
identifiers: eanNumbers,
identifiersType: "EAN",
} catch (e) {
module.exports = apiCall;
字段中尝试了不同的数字(所有这些都在亚马逊文档中)和其他格式,例如 JSON 数组、字符串和带有字符串的 JavaScript 数组。
确保您使用正确的市场 ID,这是我正确的工作代码
const SellingPartnerAPI = require("amazon-sp-api");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
var bunyan = require("bunyan");
var log = bunyan.createLogger({ name: "node" });
* Configure logging error or bunyan logger
const logFilePath = path.join(__dirname, "error.log");
const logger = new console.Console({
stdout: fs.createWriteStream(logFilePath, { flags: "a" }),
stderr: fs.createWriteStream(logFilePath, { flags: "a" }),
* AmazonOrders Class which used for fetching filtering order data
class AmazonOrders {
* Created constructor for credentials and condition for verifying
constructor() {
this.credentials = {
clientId: process.env.LWA_APP_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET,
refreshToken: process.env.REFRESH_TOKEN,
aws_access_key_id: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY,
aws_secret_access_key: process.env.AWS_SECRET_KEY,
role: process.env.ROLE_ARN,
this.sellingPartner = new SellingPartnerAPI({
region: "eu",
refresh_token: this.credentials.refreshToken,
credentials: {
SELLING_PARTNER_APP_CLIENT_ID: this.credentials.clientId,
SELLING_PARTNER_APP_CLIENT_SECRET: this.credentials.clientSecret,
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: this.credentials.aws_access_key_id,
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: this.credentials.aws_secret_access_key,
AWS_SELLING_PARTNER_ROLE: this.credentials.role,
verifyCredentials() {
const missingCredentials = Object.keys(this.credentials).filter(
(key) => !this.credentials[key]
if (missingCredentials.length) {
logger.error(`Missing credentials: ${missingCredentials.join(", ")}`);
throw new Error(`Missing credentials: ${missingCredentials.join(", ")}`);
* getOrder method used sp api functions for getting orders details
async getOrder(
orderStatuses = ["PartiallyShipped", "Unshipped"],
maxResultsPerPage = 100
) {
try {
`Fetching orders from Amazon API for marketplace: ${marketplaceIds}...`
let params = {
MarketplaceIds: marketplaceIds,
LastUpdatedAfter: lastUpdatedAfter,
// OrderStatuses: orderStatuses,
MaxResultsPerPage: maxResultsPerPage,
let allOrders = [];
let nextToken = null;
do {
* Used nextToken for pagination
if (nextToken) {
params.NextToken = nextToken;
* Use node js npm sp api methods
const response = await this.sellingPartner.callAPI({
operation: "getOrders",
endpoint: "orders",
query: params,
const orders = response.Orders;
// console.log(response);
allOrders = allOrders.concat(orders);
nextToken = response.NextToken;
* Printing out orders data into pretty format with stringify
const ordersJson = JSON.stringify(allOrders, null, 4);
console.log(`Order Data : ${ordersJson}`);
logger.log(`Order Data : ${ordersJson}`);
* If condition true ordersImport method will start
// console.log(`Count of orders: ${orders.length}`);
if (orders.length > 0) {
await this.ordersImport(orders);
} while (nextToken);
} catch (error) {
`Exception occurred for marketplace ${marketplaceIds}: ${error.message}`
(async () => {
* Creating instance of class AmazonOrders()->fetcher
const fetcher = new AmazonOrders();
* Adding Germany and France marketplaces for fetching orders
const marketplaceIds = ["A1F83G8C2ARO7P", "A1PA6795UKMFR9"];
* Logic for fetching data from now to 3 days
const lastUpdatedAfter = new Date(
new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 3)
* Calling instances of amazonorder class method getOrder and adding two parameters
await fetcher.getOrder(marketplaceIds, lastUpdatedAfter);
* Commented code for multiple function to run which is independent
// await Promise.all([fetcher.getOrder(marketplaceIds, lastUpdatedAfter)]);