
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


--------------------- Beau hit the monster for 10 damage! The Monster hit Beau for 18 damge! You now have 81 health points! The monster now has 80 health points! ---------------------



from random import randint

game_running = True

def calculate_monster_attack(attack_min, attack_max):
    return randint(attack_min,attack_max)

def calculate_player_attack(attack_min, attack_max):
    return randint(attack_min, attack_max)

def calculate_player_healing(healing_min, healing_max):
    return randint(healing_min, healing_max)

while  game_running == True:
    new_round = True
    player = {'attack_min': 10, 'attack_max': 20, 'healing_min': 10, 'healing_max': 18, 'health': 100}
    monster = {'name': 'Monster', 'attack_min': 10, 'attack_max': 20, 'health': 100}
print('---' * 7)
print('Enter Player name!')
player['name'] = input()

while new_round == True:

    player_won = False
    monster_won = False

    print('---' *7)
    print('Please select an action')
    print('---' *7)
    print('1) Attack')
    print('---' *7)
    print('2) Heal')
    print('---' *7)
    print('3) Exit Game')

    player_choice = input()
    print('---' *7)

    if player_choice == '1':

        monster['health'] = monster['health'] - calculate_player_attack(player['attack_min'], player['attack_max'])
        print(player['name'] + ' hit the monster for {} damage!'.format(calculate_player_attack(player['attack_min'], player['attack_max'])))

        if monster['health'] <= 0:
            player_won = True

            player['health'] = player['health'] - calculate_monster_attack(monster['attack_min'], monster['attack_max'])
            print('The ' + (monster['name'] + ' hit ' + player['name'] + ' for {} damage!'.format(calculate_monster_attack(monster['attack_min'], monster['attack_max']))))

            if player['health'] <=0:
                monster_won = True

    elif player_choice == '2':

        player['health'] = player['health'] + calculate_player_healing()
        print('You healed yourself and now have {} health points!'.format(player['health']))

        print('The ' + (monster['name'] + ' hit ' + player['name'] + ' for {} damge!'.format(calculate_monster_attack(monster['attack_min'], monster['attack_max']))))
        player['health'] = player['health'] - calculate_monster_attack(monster['attack_min'], monster['attack_max'])

        if player['health'] <=0:
            monster_won = True

    elif player_choice == '3':
        new_round = False
        game_running = False
        print('Invalid Input')

    if player_won == False and monster_won == False:
        print('You now have {} health points!'.format(player['health']))
        print('The monster now has {} health points!'.format(monster['health']))

    elif monster_won:
        print('Oh no! Better luck next time ' + player['name'] + ', the monster won this round!')
        new_round = False

    elif player_won:
        print('Congratulations ' + player['name'] + ' you beat the monster!')
        new_round = False


python python-3.x random int


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