换句话说,我希望所有的字形沿着共同的原点排列。我已经尝试使用我自己的算法使用Glyph Metrics来尝试准确地放置字形然后我将它们乘以比例。我所尝试的并不适用于每个角色或每个尺度。
感谢@Scheff指出我正确的方向。使用我发现的与他们给我的相关的帖子,我能够开发出两个独立的公式 - 一个用于对齐字形的顶部,另一个用于对齐字形的底部。我想我会把它们发布在这里,以帮助其他人解决这个问题。以下是两个功能:
TTF_Font font;
float scaleOfText;
int maxY;
int positionInput, realPositionValue; /*positionInput is where the program is told that the glyphs
should be rendered on the y-axis and realPositionValue is the position on the y-axis where the
glyphs will be rendered once they are aligned*/
char glyph;
TTF_GlyphMetrics(font, glyph, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &maxY, nullptr);
//Formula itself:
realPositionValue = positionInput - (TTF_FontAscent(font) * scale - (maxY * scale));
TTF_Font font;
float scaleOfText;
int maxY;
int positionInput, realPositionValue; /*positionInput is where the program is told that the glyphs
should be rendered on the y-axis and realPositionValue is the position on the y-axis where the
glyphs will be rendered once they are aligned*/
char glyph;
TTF_GlyphMetrics(font, glyph, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &maxY, nullptr);
//Formula itself:
realPositionValue = (positionInput + maxY * scale) - ((TTF_FontAscent(font) + maxY) * scale);