尽管循环遍历每个控件一开始似乎是一个不错的概念,但执行得很糟糕。某些控件可能不会出现在控件列表中。 Spy++ 指示使用 ComboBox 时出现的小迷你窗口是一个编辑控件。您可以采用一种可以改进的 hacky 方法,以迭代进程中的每个窗口并向其应用 SetWindowDisplayAffinity 函数。这就是我决定要做的事情,直到我能弄清楚如何简化“修复”。
delegate bool EnumThreadDelegate(IntPtr Handle, IntPtr LPARAM);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
public static extern bool EnumThreadWindows(int ThreadID, EnumThreadDelegate ETD, IntPtr LPARAM);
public static IEnumerable<IntPtr> EnumerateProcessWindowHandles(int TargetProcessID)
// We could possibly check the list of handles for our target.
// However, I just brute-force all of the handles and hide them all.
var Handles = new List<IntPtr>();
foreach(ProcessThread Thread in Process.GetProcessesById(TargetProcessID).Threads)
EnumThreadWindows(Thread.Id, (HWND, LPARAM) => {
return true;
}, IntPtr.Zero);
return Handles;
void ApplySWDA()
// The up-side to this function is that it applies to all handles.
// This removes the need to repeat the same SWDA call to our Form.
foreach(var Handle in EnumerateProcessWindowHandles(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id))
SetWindowDisplayAffinity(Handle, DisplayAffinity.ExcludeFromCapture);
我发现实现此“修复”并避免不断重新应用的最简单方法是创建一个 bool 来指示您已经运行了该函数,或者添加一个根据是否运行返回 bool 值的函数程序UI已经通过SetWindowDisplayAffinity调整过了。
我选择的方法是挂钩 ComboBox DropDown 事件并使用那里的代码。然后,我在代码中设置一个标志,以防止再次触发相同的函数:
public static bool AlreadyRanSWDA = false;
// This action event can be created in Visual Studio's Event Handler UI.
void MyComboBox_DropDown(object Sender, EventArgs EventArguments)
foreach(var Handle in EnumerateProcessWindowHandles(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id))
SetWindowDisplayAffinity(Handle, DisplayAffinity.ExcludeFromCapture);
// This should prevent the above code from tripping again.
AlreadyRanSWDA = true;
- 以下是最初提出的问题。以上是我的解决方案。
我一直在摆弄我的沙箱应用程序,在将它们提交到主项目之前测试功能。这些功能之一是能够使用 SetWindowDisplayAffinity 隐藏程序的 UI,以防止捕获程序。当我尝试使用 Windows 中的屏幕捕获功能或 OBS Studio 等屏幕录制应用程序时,它工作得很好,但当我使用 ComboBox 控件下拉可选项目列表时,就会出现问题。
看来 SetWindowDisplayAffinity 对显示的菜单没有影响。我尝试了“监视器显示关联性”选项和较新的“排除捕获”模式,但两者的结果相同。我不确定访问 ComboBox 列表时创建的控件(或 UI)是否有自己不受影响的句柄,或者 SetWindowDisplayAffinity 是否只是忽略 ComboBox。
这是我使用的 DLL 导入请求。它似乎没有造成任何问题,并且似乎是有效的导入请求。不会生成 Win32 错误:
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
public static extern uint SetWindowDisplayAffinity(IntPtr Handle, DisplayAffinity Affinity);
public enum DisplayAffinity : uint
None = 0x0,
Monitor = 0x1,
ExcludeFromCapture = 0x11
void HideFromCapture()
// <Handle> being the Form's main window handle. In this case, <MainForm.Handle>.
SetWindowDisplayAffinity(Handle, DisplayAffinity.ExcludeFromCapture);
// I would call <HideFromCapture()> once all UI components are loaded.
void HideFromCaptureFixOne()
// Now I'm attempting to apply the call to both the Form and the ComboBox directly.
SetWindowDisplayAffinity(Handle, DisplayAffinity.ExcludeFromCapture);
SetWindowDisplayAffinity(MyComboBox.Handle, DisplayAffinity.ExcludeFromCapture);
// As expected, this had no effect.
void HideFromCaptureOrLoseAllHope()
// I've determined that brute-forcing will undoubtedly cure everything wrong.
foreach(Control Target in Controls)
// I'm quite sure this is NOT how you should use this function. Oh well...
SetWindowDisplayAffinity(Target.Handle, DisplayAffinity.ExcludeFromCapture);
// Ignorance is bliss.
* Now I want to reinstate that I am calling these functions when running my
* program. It does work on the Form but not the ComboBox. I've even tried
* the Control loop method above and I even tried calling this function in a loop.
* It didn't work either. It did make the program chomp on memory however. No surprise.
答案的简短版本是正确地循环我们的进程拥有的窗口句柄并对它们应用SetWindowDisplayAffinity。我使用的控制循环方法似乎只适用于由 WinForms 父级(?)创建的窗口句柄。不过我可能是错的。不过,这种新方法的工作原理没有任何问题。