我正在将自定义命令添加到 CMD。现在我有下面的代码:
@echo off
::Set input to blank to prevent commands from executing even if nothing is entered
set input=
set /p input=%cd%^>
::echo 0 here to check for errors
echo 0
call :emptycheck %input%
::echo 1 here to check for errors
echo 1
::Go back to :takeinput if user entered nothing
if "%1"=="" goto takeinput
call :detect %input%
::echo 2 here to check for errors
echo 2
::Check if user entered a custom command or a normal command
if /i "%1"=="someCustomCommands" call :loop %input%
if /i "%1"=="someCustomCommands1" call :loop1 %input%
if /i "%1"=="someCustomCommands2" call :loop2 %input%
::echo 3 here to check for errors
echo 3
::If user enntered a normal command, execute it as normal
goto takeinput
::Custom command functions.....
::Custom command functions.....
::Custom command functions.....
echo hi >text.txt
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
在错误代码之后,实际上会出现一个文本文件,但其内容是“C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop^>”(即 :takeinput 循环中的 %cd%)
似乎永远不会回到 :takeinput 循环,因为屏幕上没有显示目录,只有闪烁的光标。并且批处理文件也停止工作。
call :emptycheck %input%