
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


Sub Multi_FindReplace()

Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim fndList As Variant
Dim rplcList As Variant
Dim x As Long

fndList = Array("Libya", "New Caledonia", "St Vincent and the Grenadines", "Tanzania Untd Republic of", "Liechtenstein", "New Zealand", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "Thailand", "Lithuania")
rplcList = Array("434", "540", "670", "834", "438", "554", "666", "764", "440")
fndList = Array("Nicaragua", "Samoa", "Timor -Leste", "Luxembourg", "Niger", "San Marino", "Togo", "Macao", "Nigeria", "Sao Tome And Principe", "Tokelau")
rplcList = Array("558", "882", "626", "442", "562", "674", "768", "446", "566", "678", "772")
fndList = Array("Macedonia the former Yugoslav Republic of", "Niue", "Saudi Arabia", "Tonga", "Madagascar", "Norfolk Island", "Senegal", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Malawi", "Northern Mariana Islands", "Serbia", "Tunisia")
rplcList = Array("807", "570", "682", "776", "450", "574", "686", "780", "454", "580", "688", "788")
fndList = Array("Malaysia", "Norway", "Seychelles", "Turkey", "Maldives", "Oman", "Sierra Leone", "Turkmenistan", "Mali", "Pakistan", "Singapore", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Malta", "Palau", "Sint Martin (Dutch part)", "Tuvalu", "Marshall Islands", "Palestine, State of")
rplcList = Array("458", "578", "690", "792", "462", "512", "694", "795", "466", "586", "702", "796", "470", "585", "534", "798", "584", "275")
fndList = Array("Slovakia", "Uganda", "Martinique", "Panama", "Slovenia", "Ukraine", "Mauritania", "Papua New Guinea", "Solomon Islands", "United Arab Emirates")
rplcList = Array("703", "800", "474", "591", "705", "804", "478", "598", "90", "784")
fndList = Array("Mauritius", "Paraguay", "Somalia", "United Kingdom", "Mayotte", "Peru", "South Africa", "United States", "Mexico", "Philippines", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands")
rplcList = Array("480", "600", "706", "826", "175", "604", "710", "840", "484", "608", "239")
fndList = Array("US Minor Outlying Islands", "Micronesia Federated States of", "Pitcairn", "South Sudan", "Unknown", "Moldova", "Poland", "Spain", "Uruguay", "Monaco", "Portugal", "Sri Lanka", "Uzbekistan")
rplcList = Array("581", "583", "612", "728", "999", "498", "616", "724", "858", "492", "620", "144", "860")
fndList = Array("Mongolia", "Puerto Rico", "St Helena Ascension & Tristan da Cunha", "Vanuatu", "Montenegro", "Qatar", "Sudan", "Venezuela", "Montserrat", "Reunion", "Suriname", "Viet Nam")
rplcList = Array("496", "630", "654", "548", "499", "634", "736", "862", "500", "638", "740", "704")
fndList = Array("Morocco", "Romania", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "Virgin Islands British", "Myanmar", "Russian Federation", "Swaziland", "Virgin Islands U.S.", "Mozambique", "Rwanda", "Sweden", "Wallis and Futuna", "Namibia", "Saint Barthelemy")
rplcList = Array("504", "642", "744", "92", "104", "643", "748", "850", "508", "646", "752", "876", "516", "652")
fndList = Array("Switzerland", "Western Sahara", "Nauru", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Syrian Arab Republic", "Yemen", "Nepal", "Saint Lucia", "Taiwan Province of China", "Zambia", "Netherlands", "Saint Martin (French part)", "Tajikistan", "Zimbabwe")
rplcList = Array("756", "732", "520", "659", "760", "887", "524", "662", "158", "894", "528", "663", "762", "716")

'Loop through each item in Array lists
  For x = LBound(fndList) To UBound(fndList)
    'Loop through each worksheet in ActiveWorkbook
      For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        sht.Cells.Replace What:=fndList(x), Replacement:=rplcList(x), _
          LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
          SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
      Next sht

  Next x

End Sub
excel excel-vba vba


Array("Switzerland", "Western Sahara", "Nauru", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Syrian Arab Republic", "Yemen", "Nepal", "Saint Lucia", "Taiwan Province of China", "Zambia", "Netherlands", "Saint Martin (French part)", "Tajikistan", "Zimbabwe")


fndList = Array("Libya", "New Caledonia", "St Vincent and the Grenadines", "Tanzania Untd Republic of", "Liechtenstein", _
"New Zealand", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "Thailand", "Lithuania", "Nicaragua", "Samoa", "Timor -Leste", "Luxembourg", _
"Niger", "San Marino", "Togo", "Macao", "Nigeria", "Sao Tome And Principe", "Tokelau", _
"Macedonia the former Yugoslav Republic of", "Niue", "Saudi Arabia", "Tonga", "Madagascar", "Norfolk Island", "Senegal", _
"Trinidad and Tobago", "Malawi", "Northern Mariana Islands", "Serbia", "Tunisia", "Malaysia", "Norway", "Seychelles", _
"Turkey", "Maldives", "Oman", "Sierra Leone", "Turkmenistan", "Mali", "Pakistan", "Singapore", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Malta", "Palau", "Sint Martin (Dutch part)", "Tuvalu", "Marshall Islands", "Palestine, State of", "Slovakia", "Uganda", "Martinique", "Panama", "Slovenia", "Ukraine", "Mauritania", "Papua New Guinea", "Solomon Islands", "United Arab Emirates", "Mauritius", "Paraguay", "Somalia", "United Kingdom", "Mayotte", "Peru", "South Africa", _
"United States", "Mexico", "Philippines", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "US Minor Outlying Islands", "Micronesia Federated States of", "Pitcairn", "South Sudan", "Unknown", "Moldova", "Poland", "Spain", "Uruguay", "Monaco", "Portugal", "Sri Lanka", "Uzbekistan", "Mongolia", "Puerto Rico", "St Helena Ascension & Tristan da Cunha", "Vanuatu", "Montenegro", "Qatar", "Sudan", "Venezuela", "Montserrat", "Reunion", "Suriname", "Viet Nam", _
"Morocco", "Romania", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "Virgin Islands British", "Myanmar", "Russian Federation", "Swaziland", "Virgin Islands U.S.", "Mozambique", "Rwanda", "Sweden", "Wallis and Futuna", "Namibia", "Saint Barthelemy", "Switzerland", "Western Sahara", "Nauru", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Syrian Arab Republic", "Yemen", "Nepal", "Saint Lucia", "Taiwan Province of China", "Zambia", "Netherlands", "Saint Martin (French part)", "Tajikistan", "Zimbabwe")

rplcList = Array("434", "540", "670", "834", "438", "554", "666", "764", "440", "558", "882", "626", "442", _
"562", "674", "768", "446", "566", "678", "772", "807", "570", "682", "776", "450", "574", "686", "780", "454", _
"580", "688", "788", "458", "578", "690", "792", "462", "512", "694", "795", "466", "586", "702", "796", "470", _
"585", "534", "798", "584", "275", "703", "800", "474", "591", "705", "804", "478", "598", "90", "784", "480", _
"600", "706", "826", "175", "604", "710", "840", "484", "608", "239", "581", "583", "612", "728", "999", "498", _
"616", "724", "858", "492", "620", "144", "860", "496", "630", "654", "548", "499", "634", "736", "862", "500", _
"638", "740", "704", "504", "642", "744", "92", "104", "643", "748", "850", "508", "646", "752", "876", "516", _
"652", "756", "732", "520", "659", "760", "887", "524", "662", "158", "894", "528", "663", "762", "716")


For x = LBound(fndList) To UBound(fndList)
    'Loop through each COLUMN in ActiveSheet
      For Each col In ActiveSheet.Columns
      If col.Address <> "$H:$H" Then
        col.Replace What:=fndList(x), Replacement:=rplcList(x), _
          LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
          SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
        End If
      Next col
Next x
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