现在我正在开发一个 Ionic 7/Angular 18 项目,我需要在 sqlite db 中保存 Ventas(销售)和属于该销售的产品,所以我首先保存 venta,然后保存产品,如下所示我需要 idventa 在我使用“SELECT last_insert_rowid() as lastId”的产品中引用,但我总是得到 0 而不是我应该得到的整数。 ventas和productos_ventas记录在数据库中只是productos_venta表中的idventa为0的问题。
"name": "ventas",
"schema": [
{ "column": "idventa", "value": "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" },
{ "column": "idcliente", "value": "INTEGER NOT NULL" },
{ "column": "idusuario", "value": "INTEGER" },
{ "column": "monto_total", "value": "REAL" },
{ "column": "fecha", "value": "TEXT NOT NULL" }
"name": "productos_ventas",
"schema": [
{ "column": "idproducto_venta", "value": "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" },
{ "column": "idproducto", "value": "INTEGER NOT NULL" },
{ "column": "idventa", "value": "INTEGER NOT NULL" },
{ "column": "cantidad", "value": "INTEGER NOT NULL" },
{ "column": "precio", "value": "REAL NOT NULL" },
{ "column": "monto", "value": "REAL" }
async saveVentaL(
venta: { idcliente: number, idusuario: number, monto_total: number, fecha: string },
productos_ventas: { idproducto: number, cantidad: number, precio: number, monto: number }[]
): Promise<{ ventaId: number; changes: capSQLiteChanges }> {
console.log("Starting to save venta locally: ", venta, productos_ventas);
const ventaSql = 'INSERT INTO ventas (idcliente, idusuario, monto_total, fecha) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)';
const productosVentasSql = 'INSERT INTO productos_ventas (idventa, idproducto, cantidad, precio, monto) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
const dbName = await this.getDbName();
// Insert venta
const ventaChanges: capSQLiteChanges = await CapacitorSQLite.run({
database: dbName,
statement: ventaSql,
values: [venta.idcliente, venta.idusuario, venta.monto_total, venta.fecha]
if (this.isWeb) {
await CapacitorSQLite.saveToStore({ database: dbName });
const ventaId = await this.queryLastInsertRowId();
console.log("Venta ID: ", ventaId);
// Prepare statements for productos_ventas
const statements: any[] = productos_ventas.map(pv => ({
statement: productosVentasSql,
values: [ventaId, pv.idproducto, pv.cantidad, pv.precio, pv.monto]
// Insert productos_ventas
const productosVentasChanges: capSQLiteChanges = await CapacitorSQLite.executeSet({
database: dbName,
set: statements
if (this.isWeb) {
await CapacitorSQLite.saveToStore({ database: dbName });
console.log("Changes after saving productos_ventas locally: ", productosVentasChanges);
return { ventaId, changes: productosVentasChanges };
private async queryLastInsertRowId(): Promise<number> {
const dbName = await this.getDbName();
const sql = 'SELECT last_insert_rowid() as lastId';
return CapacitorSQLite.query({
database: dbName,
statement: sql,
values: [],
}).then((response: capSQLiteValues) => {
const lastId = response.values?.[0]?.lastId;
if (lastId !== undefined) {
return lastId;
} else {
throw new Error('Failed to retrieve last insert row ID.');
Starting to save venta locally:
{idcliente: 1, idusuario: 2, monto_total: 240, fecha: '2024-07-09T07:32:15.541Z'} [{…}]
Venta ID: 0
Changes after saving productos_ventas locally: {changes: {…}}
Venta saved locally successfully: {ventaId: 0, changes: {…}}
idventa is undefined. Full response: {ventaId: 0, changes: {…}}changes: {changes: {…}}ventaId: 0[[Prototype]]: Object
(anonymous) @ venta.page.ts:102
Venta save operation completed.
Promise 不会等待返回,因此 then 块内的代码(异步)将在 then 块下面的代码(同步)之后执行。因此,您应该使用
等待响应然后返回,而不使用 then
private async queryLastInsertRowId(): Promise<number> {
const dbName = await this.getDbName();
const sql = 'SELECT last_insert_rowid() as lastId';
const response: capSQLiteValues = await CapacitorSQLite.query({
database: dbName,
statement: sql,
values: [],
const lastId = response.values?.[0]?.lastId;
if (lastId !== undefined) {
return lastId;
} else {
throw new Error('Failed to retrieve last insert row ID.');