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Sub foo() Const proc_name as string = "foo" On Error GoTo ErrHandler ' do stuff ExitSub: Exit Sub ErrHandler: ErrModule.ShowMessageBox "ModuleName",proc_name Resume ExitSub End Sub




 对象交互才能找到它。我已经使用 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 可扩展性库完成了一些元编程,但在运行时没有取得任何成功。我以前没有尝试过,在我再次尝试之前,我想知道这是否有可能。


  1. 通过在进入和退出每个过程名称时从数组中推送和弹出过程名称来实现我自己的调用堆栈。这仍然需要我将过程名称作为字符串传递到其他地方。
  2. 第三方工具,例如
  3. vbWatchDog。这确实有效,但我无法在该项目中使用第三方工具。


vbWatchdog 似乎是通过 API 调用直接访问内核内存来做到这一点的。

vba error-handling

好处是您不必担心子/函数名称 - 您可以自由更改它。您只需关心的是






Sub Main() On Error GoTo ErrHandler Debug.Print 1 / 0 ErrHandler: Debug.Print "handling error in Main" SubMain End Sub Sub SubMain() On Error GoTo ErrHandler Debug.Print 1 / 0 ErrHandler: Debug.Print "handling error in SubMain" End Sub




注意:通过 VBE 中的工具 -> 引用添加对

Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3


Sub Main() ' additionally, this is what else you should do: ' write a Boolean function that checks if there are no duplicate error handler labels ' this will ensure you don't get a wrong sub/fn name returned Foo Boo End Sub Function Foo() ' remember to set the label name (handlerLabel) in the handler ' each handler label should be unique to avoid errors On Error GoTo FooErr Cells(0, 1) = vbNullString ' cause error deliberately FooErr: Dim handlerLabel$ handlerLabel = "FooErr" ' or don't dim this and pass the errHandler name directly to the GetFnOrSubName function Debug.Print "Error occured in " & Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule.Name & ": " & GetFnOrSubName(handlerLabel) End Function Sub Boo() On Error GoTo BooErr Cells(0, 1) = vbNullString ' cause error deliberately BooErr: Debug.Print "Error occured in " & Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule.Name & ": " & GetFnOrSubName("BooErr") End Sub ' returns CodeModule reference needed in the GetFnOrSubName fn Private Function GetCodeModule(codeModuleName As String) As VBIDE.CodeModule Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent Set VBProj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents(codeModuleName) Set GetCodeModule = VBComp.CodeModule End Function ' returns the name of the sub where the error occured Private Function GetFnOrSubName$(handlerLabel$) Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule Set VBProj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents(Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule.Name) Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule Dim code$ code = CodeMod.Lines(1, CodeMod.CountOfLines) Dim handlerAt& handlerAt = InStr(1, code, handlerLabel, vbTextCompare) If handlerAt Then Dim isFunction& Dim isSub& isFunction = InStrRev(Mid$(code, 1, handlerAt), "Function", -1, vbTextCompare) isSub = InStrRev(Mid$(code, 1, handlerAt), "Sub", -1, vbTextCompare) If isFunction > isSub Then ' it's a function GetFnOrSubName = Split(Mid$(code, isFunction, 40), "(")(0) Else ' it's a sub GetFnOrSubName = Split(Mid$(code, isSub, 40), "(")(0) End If End If End Function


类中。 它允许我像 David Zemens 建议的那样执行错误处理(每次保存过程名称):

Public Sub SomeFunc() On Error Goto ErrHandler CallStack.Push "MyClass.SomeFunc" '... some code ... CallStack.Pop() Exit Sub ErrHandler: 'Use some Ifs or a Select Case to handle expected errors GlobalErrHandler() 'Make a global error handler that logs the entire callstack to a file/the immediate window/a table in Access. End Sub

如果对讨论有帮助,我可以发布相关代码。  CallStack 类有一个 



更具体地说,对于您的问题,我一直对使用 VBA 可扩展性自动添加样板错误处理代码(如上所述)感兴趣。 我从来没有抽出时间实际去做,但我相信这是很有可能的。



CPearson 的代码

将常量插入到我的程序中。 VBIDE 库不能很好地支持程序,因此我将它们包装在名为



' Class: vbeProcedure ' requires Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 library ' Author: Christopher J. McClellan ' Creative Commons Share Alike and Attribute license ' http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Const vbeProcedureError As Long = 3500 Private mParentModule As CodeModule Private isParentModSet As Boolean Private mName As String Private isNameSet As Boolean Public Property Get Name() As String If isNameSet Then Name = mName Else RaiseObjectNotIntializedError End If End Property Public Property Let Name(ByVal vNewValue As String) If Not isNameSet Then mName = vNewValue isNameSet = True Else RaiseReadOnlyPropertyError End If End Property Public Property Get ParentModule() As CodeModule If isParentModSet Then Set ParentModule = mParentModule Else RaiseObjectNotIntializedError End If End Property Public Property Let ParentModule(ByRef vNewValue As CodeModule) If Not isParentModSet Then Set mParentModule = vNewValue isParentModSet = True Else RaiseReadOnlyPropertyError End If End Property Public Property Get StartLine() As Long If isParentModSet And isNameSet Then StartLine = Me.ParentModule.ProcStartLine(Me.Name, vbext_pk_Proc) Else RaiseObjectNotIntializedError End If End Property Public Property Get EndLine() As Long If isParentModSet And isNameSet Then EndLine = Me.StartLine + Me.CountOfLines Else RaiseObjectNotIntializedError End If End Property Public Property Get CountOfLines() As Long If isParentModSet And isNameSet Then CountOfLines = Me.ParentModule.ProcCountLines(Me.Name, vbext_pk_Proc) Else RaiseObjectNotIntializedError End If End Property Public Sub initialize(Name As String, codeMod As CodeModule) Me.Name = Name Me.ParentModule = codeMod End Sub Public Property Get Lines() As String If isParentModSet And isNameSet Then Lines = Me.ParentModule.Lines(Me.StartLine, Me.CountOfLines) Else RaiseObjectNotIntializedError End If End Property Private Sub RaiseObjectNotIntializedError() Err.Raise vbObjectError + vbeProcedureError + 10, CurrentProject.Name & "." & TypeName(Me), "Object Not Initialized" End Sub Private Sub RaiseReadOnlyPropertyError() Err.Raise vbObjectError + vbeProcedureError + 20, CurrentProject.Name & "." & TypeName(Me), "Property is Read-Only after initialization" End Sub




Private Function getProcedures(codeMod As CodeModule) As Collection ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Returns collection of all vbeProcedures in a CodeModule ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim StartLine As Long Dim ProcName As String Dim lastProcName As String Dim procs As New Collection Dim proc As vbeProcedure Dim i As Long ' Skip past any Option statement ' and any module-level variable declations. StartLine = codeMod.CountOfDeclarationLines + 1 For i = StartLine To codeMod.CountOfLines ' get procedure name ProcName = codeMod.ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc) If Not ProcName = lastProcName Then ' create new procedure object Set proc = New vbeProcedure proc.initialize ProcName, codeMod ' add it to collection procs.Add proc ' reset lastProcName lastProcName = ProcName End If Next i Set getProcedures = procs End Function


Private Sub fixProcNameConstants(codeMod As CodeModule) Dim procs As Collection Dim proc As vbeProcedure Dim i As Long 'line counter 'getProcName codeMod Set procs = getProcedures(codeMod) For Each proc In procs With proc ' skip the proc.StartLine For i = .StartLine + 1 To .EndLine ' find constant PROC_NAME declaration If InStr(1, .ParentModule.Lines(i, 1), "Const PROC_NAME", vbTextCompare) Then 'Debug.Print .ParentModule.Lines(i, 1) ' replace this whole line of code with the correct declaration .ParentModule.ReplaceLine i, "Const PROC_NAME As String = " & Chr(34) & .Name & Chr(34) 'Debug.Print .ParentModule.Lines(i, 1) Exit For End If Next i End With Next proc End Sub


Public Sub FixAllProcNameConstants() Dim prj As vbProject Set prj = VBE.ActiveVBProject Dim codeMod As CodeModule Dim vbComp As VBComponent For Each vbComp In prj.VBComponents Set codeMod = vbComp.CodeModule ' don't mess with the module that'c calling this If Not codeMod.Name = "DevUtilities" Then fixProcNameConstants codeMod End If Next vbComp End Sub

如果我弄清楚 vbWatchDog 使用什么样的魔法来公开 vba 调用堆栈,我会回来的。



Me.Name & "." & Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule.ProcOfLine(Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane.TopLine, 0)



这样做的好处是我看到大约有 6 个例程(从上到下,最新到最早)被执行。

在模板代码中,如下所示,我编辑“private sub”以满足我的需要并调整例程名称。然后我在更新错误字符串的行中输入模块名称和例程名称。

Public errS As String Private Sub Template() 'macro description errS = VBA.left(vbLf & "-> " & "mod99_Template.Template" & VBA.Replace(errS, "->", " "), IIf(VBA.InStr(140, errS, vbLf, vbTextCompare) = 0, 280, VBA.InStr(140, errS, vbLf, vbTextCompare))) ' Application.Run "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!mod99_Template.Template" 'Dim StartTime As Double: StartTime = Timer 'Timer Application.ScreenUpdating = False '############################ PARAMETRI ########################################## '############################ PROGRAM ########################################## On Error GoTo ExitProc Dim wbA As Workbook: Set wbA = ActiveWorkbook Dim wsA As Worksheet: Set wsA = Sheet1 'Sheet1 / wbA.Sheets(shtPregled) / wbA.ActiveSheet With wsA End With ExitProc: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error occured in: " & errS & vbLf & vbLf & Err.Description: Err.Clear: Stop Set wsA = Nothing Set wbA = Nothing Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & Round(Timer - StartTime, 2) & " seconds", vbInformation 'Timer End Sub

这当然不是最好的解决方案,但它很简单,并且在受 VBE 保护的工作簿上运行时效果很好。

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