学习 MAUI,来自有限的 WPF 经验。
我有一个包含 2 列数据的 CollectionView。我想在每列数据上放置一个标题。以下代码不显示任何标题
<CollectionView EmptyView="No data available" HorizontalOptions="Center" HeightRequest="150" ItemsSource="{Binding PropertyDetails}" >
<Grid >
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<Label Text="Address" Grid.Column="0"/>
<Label Text="Cost" Grid.Column="1"/>
The following code snips do show a header
<CollectionView EmptyView="No data available" HorizontalOptions="Center" HeightRequest="150" ItemsSource="{Binding PropertyDetails}" Header="My header">```
My Header
but this only gives me a simple unformattable header for the whole collectionview and not for each column of data.
I have read a couple of posts on SO and google put they don't quite fit my issue.
I have also tried with a CollectionView.HeaderTemplate but that failed as well
Ideally I want to get better formatting for the headers but for now I will be glad to get them visible.
What, if anything have I missed?
Many thanks
在 Android 和 iOS 上,可以将
属性设置为用于格式化标头的 DataTemplate
<CollectionView Header="{Binding .}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Monkeys}"
ItemsLayout="VerticalGrid, 2">
<Grid >
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<Label Grid.Column="0" Margin="10,0,0,0"
Text="Address" BackgroundColor="LightGray"
FontSize="12" FontAttributes="Bold"/>
<Label Grid.Column="1" Margin="10,0,0,0"
Text="Cost" BackgroundColor="LightGray"
FontSize="12" FontAttributes="Bold"/>
//Omitted for brevity
在 Winodws 上,有一个已知问题:CollectionView 页眉和页脚在显示 header 时未显示 #14557,您可以在那里跟进:https://github.com/dotnet/maui/issues/14557 .