
问题描述 投票:1回答:1



    SELECT  cog.organizationid,
        cp.supervisorcontactid AS Principal,
        cc.fullname AS CSL,

        LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) AS PreviosMonthCharges,

        CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE u.ClientCharges END -
                                CASE WHEN LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NULL THEN 0
                                ELSE LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month)
                                END AS Delta,

        CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE u.ClientCharges END - CASE WHEN LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NULL THEN 0
                                ELSE LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) END) > 0 THEN 'Gain'
             WHEN CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE u.ClientCharges END - CASE WHEN LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NULL THEN 0
                                ELSE LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) END < 0 THEN 'Loss'
                                ELSE NULL END AS GainsLosses,
        CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges >=0 AND LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NULL AND t.MonthBilled <> '1/1/2015' THEN 'New' ELSE 'Existing' END AS ClientType,

        CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NULL THEN 'InActive' ELSE 'Active' END AS ActiveStatus,

        CASE WHEN LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NOT NULL AND t.MonthBilled <> '1/1/2015' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END AS ActiveLastMonth,

        CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NULL AND (LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) <> 0 AND LAG(u.ClientCharges,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NOT NULL) AND t.MonthBilled <> '1/1/2015' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END AS OneMonthChurn,


        CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NOT NULL AND u.ClientCharges > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS OrgCounter
FROM    public.contacts_client_organization cog


[42601] [500310]亚马逊无效操作:语法错误处于或接近“Delta”位置:747; java.lang.RuntimeException:com.amazon.support.exceptions.ErrorException:Amazon无效操作:语法错误处于或接近“Delta”位置:747;




 SELECT  cog.organizationid,
        cp.supervisorcontactid AS Principal,
        cc.fullname AS CSL,

        LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) AS PreviosMonthCharges,

        CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE u.ClientCharges END -
                                CASE WHEN LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NULL THEN 0
                                ELSE LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month)
                                END AS Delta,

        CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE u.ClientCharges END - CASE WHEN LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NULL THEN 0
                                ELSE LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) END) > 0 THEN 'Gain'
             WHEN CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE u.ClientCharges END - CASE WHEN LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NULL THEN 0
                                ELSE LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) END < 0 THEN 'Loss'
                                ELSE NULL END AS GainsLosses,
        CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges >=0 AND LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NULL AND t.MonthBilled <> '1/1/2015' THEN 'New' ELSE 'Existing' END AS ClientType,

        CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NULL THEN 'InActive' ELSE 'Active' END AS ActiveStatus,

        CASE WHEN LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NOT NULL AND t.MonthBilled <> '1/1/2015' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END AS ActiveLastMonth,

        CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NULL AND (LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) <> 0 AND LAG(u.ClientCharges,1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid,t.Year,t.Month) IS NOT NULL) AND t.MonthBilled <> '1/1/2015' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END AS OneMonthChurn,


        CASE WHEN u.ClientCharges IS NOT NULL AND u.ClientCharges > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS OrgCounter
FROM    public.contacts_client_organization cog
sql amazon-redshift



    (COALESCE(u.ClientCharges, 0) -
     COALESCE(LAG(u.ClientCharges, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY cog.clientid ORDER BY cog.clientid, t.Year, t.Month), 0)
    ) as my_Delta,

DELTA是一个Amazon Redshift reserved word,所以给它一个不同的名字。

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