我想将 start_time_of_day 转换为整数,以便将其分为 5 类:
清晨 03:01 - 07:00 上午 07:01 - 12:00 下午 12:01 - 17:00 晚上 17:01 - 22:00 深夜 22:01 - 03:00
考虑以下方法(BigQuery 标准 SQL)
with categories as (
select time(3,0,1) as start, time(7,0,0) as finish, 'early morning' as category union all
select time(7,0,1), time(12,0,0), 'morning' union all
select time(12,0,1), time(17,0,0), 'afternoon' union all
select time(17,0,1), time(22,0,0), 'evening' union all
select time(22,0,1), time(23,59,59), 'night' union all
select time(0,0,0), time(3,0,0), 'night'
select t.*, category
from your_table t
left join categories
on time(timestamp_trunc(started_at, second)) between start and finish