如何包装带有void *指针的C函数?

问题描述 投票:1回答:2

我正在尝试使用Cython包装DLL中定义的一些函数,难点在于很多函数使用指向void *的指针,这里是函数原型的一个例子:


typedef void* HANDLE

int open(HANDLE* a_handle_pointer , int open_mode)

int use(HANDLE a_handle, int usage_mode )


---------------"main.c" -----------------


HANDLE my_handle ;
int results ;
if(open(&my_handle ,1) == 0) /* open a handle with mode 1 */
    printf ("failed to open \n);
    return 0;

else printf("open success \n");

use(handle , 2); /* use handle (opened with open) in mode 2 */

你可以说,除非Handle已经使用“open”函数打开,否则“Use”函数无法执行某些操作,这使得它在Python / cython中混乱


from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t
cdef extern from "header.h":
     ctypedef void*     HANDLE 
     int open(HANDLE* a_handle_pointer , int open_mode)

def Open( uintptr_t a_handle_pointer , int open_mode)

    return open(<HANDLE*> a_handle_pointer , open_mode)

有人建议我尝试将void *指针转换为uintptr_t,但仍然得到错误:

" TypeError: an integer is required " when calling the function.

>>>from my_module import open
>>>open (handle , 1)



python c dll cython

在Python本身编写模块/绑定是一个坏主意,特别是如果涉及指针。你宁愿在C中用这样的东西来做...警告:这是CPython 3+特有的。 CPython 2扩展的编码方式不同! BTW:将你的open函数重命名为load,因为它与POSIX的open(3)冲突。

// my_module.c: My Python extension!

/* Get us the CPython headers.
#include "Python.h"

/* And your function's headers, of course.
#include "header.h"

/* Actual structures used to store
 * a 'my_module.Handle' internally.
typedef struct
    PyObject_HEAD /* The base of all PyObjects. */
    HANDLE handle; /* Our handle, great! */
} my_module_HandleObject;

/* The type 'my_module.Handle'. This variable contains
 * a lot of strange, zero, and NULLified fields. Their
 * purpose and story is too obscure for SO, so better
 * off look at the docs for more details.
static PyTypeObject my_module_HandleType =
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
    "my_module.Handle", /* Of course, this is the type's name. */
    sizeof(my_module_HandleObject), /* An object's size. */
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* ... Don't ask. */
    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* The type's flags. There's nothing special about ours, so use the defaults. */
    NULL /* No docstrings for you! */

/* The "wrapper" function. It takes a tuple of
 * CPython PyObject's and returns a PyObject.
static PyObject *my_module_load(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    int load_mode;
    if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &load_mode) != 0) { /* Parse the argument list. It should have one single integer ("i") parameter. */
        return NULL;

    /* Create a Handle object, so as to put
     * in itthe handle we're about to get.
    my_module_HandleObject *the_object = PyObject_New(my_module_HandleObject, &my_module_HandleType);
    if(the_object == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    /* Finally, do our stuff.
    if(load(&the_object->handle, load_mode) == -1) {
        return NULL;

    return (PyObject*)the_object;

/* The method table. It is a list of structures, each
 * describing a method of our module.
static struct PyMethodDef my_module_functions[] =
        "load", /* The method's name, as seen from Python code. */
        (PyCFunction)my_module_load, /* The method itself. */
        METH_VARARGS, /* This means the method takes arguments. */
        NULL, /* We don't have documentation for this, do we? */
    }, { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } /* End of the list. */

/* Used to describe the module itself. */
static struct PyModuleDef my_module =
    "my_module", /* The module's name. */
    NULL, /* No docstring. */

/* This function _must_ be named this way
 * in order for the module to be named as
 * 'my_module'. This function is sort of
 * the initialization routine for the module.
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_my_module()
    my_module_HandleType.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew; /* AFAIK, this is the type's constructor. Use the default. */
    if(PyType_Ready(&my_module_HandleType) < 0) { // Uh, oh. Something went wrong!
        return NULL;

    PyObject *this_module = PyModule_Create(&my_module); /* Export the whole module. */
    if(this_module == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    PyModule_AddObject(this_module, "Handle", (PyObject*)&my_module_HandleType);

    return this_module;

为了构建和安装扩展,see the docs on distutils


您需要将指针包装在Cython / Python对象中,然后将该对象的实例传递给open和use函数的Python版本。请查看问题Wrapping custom type C++ pointer in Cython,了解如何在Cython中包装和传递指针。我在那里提供的答案也应该适用于void-pointers。


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