`Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'I have a UserForm that includes 2 Frames and 2 Command Buttons.
'The 2 Frames each hold 30 OptionButtons;
' Frame1 has OptionButtons 1 through 30 and allows the user to
' select which, of 30 bank accounts is the origin in a money transfer,
' and Frame2 has 31 through 60 and similarly decides the destination Account in the transfer.
'The 2 CommandButtons are to execute the same idea, but in two different ways. I only need one.
'This code below is meant to display the name of the Range that is becoming FromAcc,
' which is: ("LedgerTable" & [the Number of the OptionButton selected]).
' The MsgBox is just for testing to make sure I get this part right;
' it'll eventually get replaced with more code to execute.
'Many statements are commented-out because, -who wants to include ALL the buttons for just a test? Right?
Dim FromAcc As Range
FromAcc = "No OptionButton has been selected."
'The FromAcc begins as that text because if, at the end, no OptionButton has been selected,
'then the MsgBox, whose message is determined by the value of FromAcc, is all prepared with the right message.
'So, I go off thinkin' I'm all clever, right?
' ...Well then I thought I was really hot stuff when
' I came about the second method via CommandButton2. Watch.
'All of these statements check each individual OptionButton and set FromAcc as its own unique textstring.
'These textstrings are recognized Table names; Named Ranges within the Workbook.
If Frame1.OptionButton1.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable1"
If Frame1.OptionButton2.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable2"
If Frame1.OptionButton3.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable3"
If Frame1.OptionButton4.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable4"
If Frame1.OptionButton5.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable5"
If Frame1.OptionButton6.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable6"
'If Frame1.OptionButton7.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable7"
'If Frame1.OptionButton8.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable8"
'If Frame1.OptionButton9.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable9"
'If Frame1.OptionButton10.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable10"
'If Frame1.OptionButton11.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable11"
'If Frame1.OptionButton12.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable12"
'If Frame1.OptionButton13.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable13"
'If Frame1.OptionButton14.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable14"
'If Frame1.OptionButton15.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable15"
'If Frame1.OptionButton16.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable16"
'If Frame1.OptionButton17.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable17"
'If Frame1.OptionButton18.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable18"
'If Frame1.OptionButton19.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable19"
'If Frame1.OptionButton20.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable20"
'If Frame1.OptionButton21.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable21"
'If Frame1.OptionButton22.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable22"
'If Frame1.OptionButton23.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable23"
'If Frame1.OptionButton24.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable24"
'If Frame1.OptionButton25.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable25"
'If Frame1.OptionButton26.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable26"
'If Frame1.OptionButton27.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable27"
'If Frame1.OptionButton28.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable28"
'If Frame1.OptionButton29.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable29"
'If Frame1.OptionButton30.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable30"
MsgBox (FromAcc.Value)
'...and so, this code doesn't work right, but I think you get the idea of what I'm trying to do.
'But I'm trying!! The next bit of code, for CommandButton2, tries to do the same thing,
'but through a different method. But I think you can see how the CommandButton1-method is simple and direct,
'whereas the second method is rather efficient. I'm trying for efficient, not simple. Help please?
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'This code tries to use a counter to cycle through the number attached to each of the OptionButtons,
'and check the value for True or not. When it comes to set the value of FromAcc,
'the same counter is added to the text "LedgerTable", which makes the names of the recognized Tables.
Dim i As Integer
Dim FromAcc As Range
Dim ToAcc As Range
For i = 1 To 6 ' (30)
If Frame1.OptionButton & i.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable" & i
Next i
'For i = 31 To 60
'If Frame2.OptionButton & i.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable" & i
'Next i
MsgBox ("FromAcc:" & FromAcc.Value) ' ( ... & " ToAcc:" & ToAcc)
'...See? Completely more efficient, right? It doesn't work either.
'Do I have to do some fancy thing like,
'copy the Caption of the OptionButton and strip away the "OptionButton" text
'so the number is the only thing left?
'What 's really annoying is that just when I think I'm getting the hang of it (writing code),
'I come to find that I'm really not. Help? Please? Anyone? -Thanks in advance.
End Sub
我写了上面的代码,但我的语法不太好,所以我很确定需要比我更好的眼睛。 当我学习 Excel 的一项新功能时,我总是感到惊讶。所以,也许有比我想的更好、更直接/更有效的方法。 不是只有一个简单的函数可以返回在特定框架内选择的任何内容的名称吗?
我还在以下位置尝试了代码的修改版本: 是否可以获取用户表单中的帧数和帧中的选项按钮数? 但是当我更改 MsgBox 时,有些事情搞砸了。
`Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() ' I changed the name from "XX()". I've noted all the changes I made.
Dim c As Control, n As Long ' I changed the variable from nl to n.
Dim FromAcc As Range ' I added this line.
For Each c In UserForm1.Frame1.Controls
If TypeOf c Is msforms.OptionButton Then
n1 = n1 + 1
'There was an unnecessary line of code here that I deleted with no loss.
End If
Next c
' this original line works: MsgBox " option button number = " & n
'my modified version does not:
FromAcc = "LedgerTable" & n
MsgBox = FromAcc.Value
End Sub`
For i = 1 To 6 ' (30)
If Frame1.OptionButton & i.Value = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable" & i
Next i
错了。您正在连接 Frame1.OptionButton 变量(不存在)的 contents 和 i 变量。
为了使您的代码正常工作,您可以连接“OptionButton”string 和 i 变量,并尝试在 Frame1.Controls 集合中找到具有该名称的控件,如下所示:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim FromAcc As String
FromAcc = "No option has been selected"
For i = 1 To 4 ' (30)
If Frame1.Controls("OptionButton" & i) = True Then FromAcc = "LedgerTable" & i
Next i
MsgBox FromAcc
End Sub
但是,如果找不到“OptionButton”和 i 对象,这将崩溃。你可以实现一些错误处理或者你可以尝试这样的事情,它应该同样有效:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim FromAcc As String
FromAcc = "No option has been selected"
Dim c As Control
For Each c In Frame1.Controls
If TypeName(c) = "OptionButton" And c.Value = True Then
FromAcc = "LedgerTable" & Mid(c.Name, 13, Len(c.Name) - 12)
Exit For
End If
Next c
MsgBox FromAcc
End Sub
要完成这项工作,您必须保留“OptionButton”+ 数字的命名约定,但看起来您已经这样做了,所以一切都应该很好。