这是.txt文件Students2的示例,它位于程序的Bin Debug中
(LIST (LIST 'Abbott 'Ashley 'J ) '8697387888 '[email protected] 2.3073320999676614 )
(LIST (LIST 'Abbott 'Bradley 'M ) 'NONE '[email protected] 3.1915725161177115 )
(LIST (LIST 'Abbott 'Ryan 'T ) '8698689793 '[email protected] 3.448215586562192 )
(LIST (LIST 'Abel 'Heather 'M ) '8698689386 '[email protected] 3.2517764202656974 )
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
namespace ConsoleApplication61
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
StreamReader inFile;
string inLine;
if (File.Exists("Students2.txt"))
using (StreamWriter Malachi = File.AppendText("Students2.txt"))
Malachi.WriteLine("(LIST (LIST 'Constant 'Malachi 'J ) '1832878847 '[email protected] 4.0000000000000000 )");
inFile = new StreamReader("Students2.txt");
while ((inLine = inFile.ReadLine()) != null)
int start = inLine.IndexOf("'");
if (start >= 0)
inLine = inLine.Substring(start);
int end = inLine.IndexOf(" ");
string lastname = inLine.Substring(0, end);
int endTwo = inLine.IndexOf(" ");
string firstname = inLine.Substring(end, endTwo);
int endThree = inLine.IndexOf(" ");
string email = inLine.Substring(endTwo, endThree);
Console.WriteLine( lastname + firstname );
catch (System.IO.IOException exc)
string test = "(LIST (LIST 'Constant 'Malachi 'J ) '1832878847 '[email protected] 4.0000000000000000 )";
test = test.Replace(")","");
string[] abc = test.Split(new string[] { "'" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
Console.WriteLine("Last Name =" + abc[1]);
Console.WriteLine("First Name =" + abc[2]);
Console.WriteLine("Middle Initial =" + abc[3]);
Console.WriteLine("Email gpa =" + abc[abc.Length-1]);
Console.WriteLine("Email =" + (abc[abc.Length-1]).Split(' ')[0]);
Console.WriteLine("gpa =" + (abc[abc.Length-1]).Split(' ')[1]);
你每次脱掉子串就需要更新inLine -
int start = inLine.IndexOf("'");
if (start >= 0)
inLine = inLine.Substring(start);
int end = inLine.IndexOf(" ");
string lastname = inLine.Substring(0, end);
inLine = inLine.Substring(end + 1);
int endTwo = inLine.IndexOf(" ");
string firstname = inLine.Substring(end, endTwo);
inLine = inLine.Substring(endTwo + 1);
int endThree = inLine.IndexOf(" ");
string email = inLine.Substring(endTwo, endThree);
或者你在第一个字符串的结束点之后找到下一个空格,如下所示 -
int start = inLine.IndexOf("'");
if (start >= 0)
inLine = inLine.Substring(start);
int end = inLine.IndexOf(" ");
string lastname = inLine.Substring(0, end);
int endTwo = inLine.IndexOf(' ', end + 1);
string firstname = inLine.Substring(end, endTwo - end);
int endThree = inLine.IndexOf(' ', endTwo + 1);
string middleinitial = inLine.Substring(endTwo, endThree - endTwo);
endThree += 2; // to escape ')' after middle initial
int endFour = inLine.IndexOf(' ', endThree + 1);
string phone = inLine.Substring(endThree, endFour - endThree);
int endFive = inLine.IndexOf(' ', endFour + 1);
string email = inLine.Substring(endFour, endFive - endFour);
int endSix = inLine.IndexOf(' ', endFive + 1);
string gpa = inLine.Substring(endFive, endSix - endFive);
Console.WriteLine("Last Name - " + lastname);
Console.WriteLine("First Name - " + firstname);
Console.WriteLine("Middle Initial - " + middleinitial);
Console.WriteLine("Phone - " + phone);
Console.WriteLine("Email - " + email);
Console.WriteLine("GPA - " + gpa);
但我建议使用字符串拆分选项。了解String.Split Method
while ((inLine = inFile.ReadLine()) != null)
var splits = inLine.Split(new[] { ' ', '\'' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (splits.Length > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Last Name - " + splits[2]);
Console.WriteLine("First Name - " + splits[3]);
Console.WriteLine("Middle Initial - " + splits[4]);
Console.WriteLine("Phone - " + splits[6]);
Console.WriteLine("Email - " + splits[7]);
Console.WriteLine("GPA - " + splits[8]);
Regex rPattern= new Regex(@"\'([^'\s]+)[\'\s]+([^'\s]+)[\'\s]+([^'\s]+)[\'\s]+\)[\'\s]+([^'\s]+)[\'\s]+([^'\s]+)[\'\s]+([^'\s]+)");
Match m = rPattern.Match(inLine );
string lastname = m.Groups[1].Value;
string firstname = m.Groups[2].Value;
string middlename = m.Groups[3].Value;
string phone = m.Groups[4].Value;
string email = m.Groups[5].Value;
string somenumber = m.Groups[6].Value;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
//PTK: don't forget include following line. IT'S IMPORTANT !!!
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication61
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
StreamReader inFile;
string inLine;
//PTK: patern for your fields
Regex rPattern= new Regex(@"\'([^'\s]+)[\'\s]+([^'\s]+)[\'\s]+([^'\s]+)[\'\s]+\)[\'\s]+([^'\s]+)[\'\s]+([^'\s]+)[\'\s]+([^'\s]+)");
if (File.Exists("Students2.txt"))
using (StreamWriter Malachi = File.AppendText("Students2.txt"))
Malachi.WriteLine("(LIST (LIST 'Constant 'Malachi 'J ) '1832878847 '[email protected] 4.0000000000000000 )");
inFile = new StreamReader("Students2.txt");
while ((inLine = inFile.ReadLine()) != null)
//PTK: match the current line with the pattern
Match m = rPattern.Match(inLine );
string lastname = m.Groups[1].Value;
string firstname = m.Groups[2].Value;
string middlename = m.Groups[3].Value;
string phone = m.Groups[4].Value;
string email = m.Groups[5].Value;
string somenumber = m.Groups[6].Value;
Console.WriteLine( lastname + firstname );
catch (System.IO.IOException exc)