我正在为我的一个 Android 项目设置 Sonarqube,该项目是 Kotlin 和 Java 的混合体。 我用 fastlane 配置声纳:
desc "Run SonarQube analysis"
lane :sonar_scanner do
project_key: "com.****************.main.dev",
project_version: "1.0",
project_name: "************",
project_language: "java , kotlin",
sources_path: "absolute_path_to_/src/main",
sonar_login: "****************************",
sonar_url: "*********************************",
输出: - 但 Sonarqube 仅分析 kotlin 和 xml 文件
任何人都可以建议如何为多种语言(java 和 kotlin)配置它吗?
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'jacoco'
id "org.sonarqube" version ""
allprojects {
version = '1.0.2'
group = 'org.sonarqube.sample'
repositories {
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'org.sonarqube'
sonar {
properties {
property 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths', "$projectDir.parentFile.path/build/reports/jacoco/codeCoverageReport/codeCoverageReport.xml"
tasks.withType(Test).configureEach {
apply from: "$project.rootDir/sonar.gradle"
// See here for more info: https://docs.gradle.org/6.4-rc-1/samples/sample_jvm_multi_project_with_code_coverage.html
// task to gather code coverage from multiple subprojects
// NOTE: the `JacocoReport` tasks do *not* depend on the `test` task by default. Meaning you have to ensure
// that `test` (or other tasks generating code coverage) run before generating the report.
// You can achieve this by calling the `test` lifecycle task manually
// $ ./gradlew test codeCoverageReport
tasks.register("codeCoverageReport", JacocoReport) {
// If a subproject applies the 'jacoco' plugin, add the result it to the report
subprojects { subproject ->
subproject.plugins.withType(JacocoPlugin).configureEach {
subproject.tasks.matching({ t -> t.extensions.findByType(JacocoTaskExtension) }).configureEach { testTask ->
//the jacoco extension may be disabled for some projects
if (testTask.extensions.getByType(JacocoTaskExtension).isEnabled()) {
sourceSets subproject.sourceSets.main
} else {
logger.warn('Jacoco extension is disabled for test task \'{}\' in project \'{}\'. this test task will be excluded from jacoco report.',testTask.getName(),subproject.getName())
// To automatically run `test` every time `./gradlew codeCoverageReport` is called,
// you may want to set up a task dependency between them as shown below.
// Note that this requires the `test` tasks to be resolved eagerly (see `forEach`) which
// may have a negative effect on the configuration time of your build.
subproject.tasks.matching({ t -> t.extensions.findByType(JacocoTaskExtension) }).forEach {
// enable the different report types (html, xml, csv)
reports {
xml.required = true
html.required = true
html.outputLocation = layout.buildDirectory.dir('jacocoHtml')