我需要报告Stata中小数点后4位数字的pvalue。在回归命令之后包括“ pformat(%5.4f)”,如下所示reg y x,pformat(%5.4f),与普通回归命令一起使用,但是与xtscc命令一起使用,如下所示xtscc y x,pformat(%5.4f),返回选项pformat()不允许这是否意味着无法使用xtscc指定小数点后的数字?有人尝试过吗?有没有办法对此选项编程?
webuse grunfeld, clear
estimates clear
xtscc invest mvalue kstock, fe lag(4)
Regression with Driscoll-Kraay standard errors Number of obs = 200
Method: Fixed-effects regression Number of groups = 10
Group variable (i): company F( 2, 9) = 84.69
maximum lag: 4 Prob > F = 0.0000
within R-squared = 0.7668
| Drisc/Kraay
invest | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
mvalue | .1101238 .0195826 5.62 0.000 .0658249 .1544227
kstock | .3100653 .0330158 9.39 0.000 .2353784 .3847523
_cons | -58.74393 23.71437 -2.48 0.035 -112.3896 -5.098296
estimates store m1
estimates table m1, b se p
Variable | m1
mvalue | .1101238
| .01958261
| 0.0003
kstock | .31006534
| .03301581
| 0.0000
_cons | -58.743932
| 23.714371
| 0.0352
legend: b/se/p