将我的椭圆粒子近似为多边形,然后使用库的交叉函数来找到重叠区域。我正在计算“内”和“外”椭圆(多边形)区域,为每个粒子 - 粒子相互作用分配“势”。
double Potential(Cell* current, Cell* next)
double areaRep, areaAtt;
double distance = Distance(current,next);
double A1 = current->getLength();
double B1 = A1/2.0;
double theta1 = current->getTheta(); //*180.0/M_PI
double x1 = current->getCurrX();
double y1 = current->getCurrY();
double A2 = next->getLength();
double B2 = A2/2.0;
double theta2 = next->getTheta();
double x2 = next->getCurrX();
double y2 = next->getCurrY();
polygon_2d poly1, poly2, poly3, poly4;
double lamda1, lamda2;
lamda1 = 0.0005; lamda2 = 0.00001;
if(distance < 2.0*1.5*A1) {
ellipse2poly(theta1, A1, B1, x1, y1, &poly1);
ellipse2poly(theta2, A2, B2, x2, y2, &poly2);
areaRep = getOverlapingAreaPoly(poly1,poly2);
ellipse2poly(theta1, 1.5*A1, 1.5*B1, x1, y1, &poly3);
ellipse2poly(theta2, 1.5*A2, 1.5*B2, x2, y2, &poly4);
areaAtt = getOverlapingAreaPoly(poly3, poly4);
return (lamda1*areaRep - lamda2*areaAtt);
return 0.0;
int ellipse2poly(double theta, double A1, double B1, double H1, double K1, polygon_2d *po)
using namespace boost::geometry;
polygon_2d poly;
const int n = 20;
double angle = theta; // cell orientation
double a = A1; // Long semi-axis length
double b = B1; // short semi-axis length
double xc = H1; // current X position
double yc = K1; // current Y position
std::cout << "error ellipse(): n should be >0\n" <<std::endl;
return 0;
double t = 0;
int i = 0;
double coor[2*n+1][2];
double x, y;
double step = M_PI/(double)n;
double sinphi = sin(angle);
double cosphi = cos(angle);
for(i=0; i<2*n+1; i++)
x = xc + a*cos(t)*cosphi - b*sin(t)*sinphi;
y = yc + a*cos(t)*sinphi + b*sin(t)*cosphi;
coor[i][0] = x;
coor[i][1] = y;
t += step;
assign_points(poly, coor);
*po = poly;
return 1;
double getOverlapingAreaPoly(polygon_2d poly, polygon_2d poly2)
point_2d cent; //centre of overlaping area
double overAreaPoly = 0.0;
typedef std::vector<polygon_2d > polygon_list;
polygon_list v;
for (polygon_list::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
centroid(*it, cent);
overAreaPoly = area(*it);
return overAreaPoly;
我在win7 64bit下仅在MSVC2012中测试了这个。我将使用Qt 4.7.4向Linux Mint报告。
编辑:我已经使用Qt 4.7.4在Linux Mint上进行了测试,它的运行非常合理;每次迭代可能90-100毫秒,这很好。我不知道win7有什么问题......
我已经修好了。我在Visual Studio中启动了一个新项目,并复制了所有源文件和头文件,重新编译,现在一切运行顺利。我想从根本上改变代码和添加/减去东西必然会产生一些影响......