在 R 中,如何使用模糊逻辑的 set 包最好地在 3D 绘图中绘制模糊曲面?服务变量和食物变量应该是它们的x和y轴,z轴应该是通过模糊推理变量去模糊找到的质心。
我是 R 的初学者,尝试使用 Expand.grid 绘制模糊曲面的 4,000 个点,我的计算机磁盘达到 100%,即使在 2 次重新启动后也保持这种状态。 为了您计算机的安全,我故意不向您展示我编写的代码。
他们文档中的这个示例系统将是一个很好的起点。 你能帮我绘制结果吗? 谢谢。
# set universe
sets_options("universe", seq(from = 0, to = 25, by = 1))
# set up fuzzy variables
variables <-
set(service = fuzzy_partition(varnames = c(poor = 0, good = 5, excellent = 10), sd = 1.5),
food = fuzzy_variable(rancid = fuzzy_trapezoid(corners = c(-2, 0, 2, 4)),
delicious = fuzzy_trapezoid(corners = c(7, 9, 11, 13))),
tip = fuzzy_partition(varnames = c(cheap = 5, average = 12.5, generous = 20),
FUN = fuzzy_cone, radius = 5)
# set up rules
rules <-
fuzzy_rule(service %is% poor || food %is% rancid, tip %is% cheap),
fuzzy_rule(service %is% good, tip %is% average),
fuzzy_rule(service %is% excellent || food %is% delicious, tip %is% generous)
# combine to a system
system <- fuzzy_system(variables, rules)
plot(system) ## plots variables
# do inference
fi <- fuzzy_inference(system, list(service = 3, food = 8.123))
# plot resulting fuzzy set
# defuzzify
print(gset_defuzzify(fi, "centroid"))
# reset universe
sets_options("universe", NULL)
尽管我对我的计算机造成了伤害,我还是决定继续试验。 下面的代码有效,但我仍然希望来自更有经验的程序员的回答。
# Please help me take this example from the docs and make a nice 3d plot
options(show.error.locations = TRUE)
## set universe
sets_options("universe", seq(from = 0, to = 25, by = 1))
## set up fuzzy variables
variables <-
set(service = fuzzy_partition(varnames = c(poor = 0, good = 5, excellent = 10), sd = 1.5),
food = fuzzy_variable(rancid = fuzzy_trapezoid(corners = c(-2, 0, 2, 4)),
delicious = fuzzy_trapezoid(corners = c(7, 9, 11, 13))),
tip = fuzzy_partition(varnames = c(cheap = 5, average = 12.5, generous = 20),
FUN = fuzzy_cone, radius = 5)
## set up rules
rules <-
fuzzy_rule(service %is% poor || food %is% rancid, tip %is% cheap),
fuzzy_rule(service %is% good, tip %is% average),
fuzzy_rule(service %is% excellent || food %is% delicious, tip %is% generous)
## combine to a system
system <- fuzzy_system(variables, rules)
plot(system) ## plots variables
## do inference
fi <- fuzzy_inference(system, list(service = 3, food = 8))
## plot resulting fuzzy set
# define a function to compute a tip given a row
# that has a service column and food column
defuzzify <- function(row){
fi <- fuzzy_inference(system, list(service = row$service, food = row$food))
gset_defuzzify(fi, "centroid")
# create a dataframe with food and service combinations to plot
food.sequence = seq(from = 0, to = 10, by = 1)
service.sequence = seq(from = 0, to = 10, by = 1)
df.to.plot <- expand.grid(food = food.sequence, service = service.sequence)
# for each food and service combination, compute a tip
# "by" is supposed to be better than a for loop
df.to.plot$tip <- by(df.to.plot, 1:nrow(df.to.plot), function(row) defuzzify(row))[]
# the plotting function that comes later requires a numeric matrix,
# so pivot by food and service and convert to a matrix
df <- dcast(df.to.plot, food ~ service, value.var = "tip")
df <- df[,-1] # get rid of the food column
row.names(df) <- food.sequence # name the rows
tip.matrix <- data.matrix(df)
# make a 3D interactive plot
p <- plot_ly(z = tip.matrix) %>% add_surface() %>%
layout(title = "Tipping Plan",
scene = list(
xaxis = list(title = "Service (x)"),
yaxis = list(title = "Food (y)"),
zaxis = list(title = "Tip (z)")
) )
## reset universe
sets_options("universe", NULL)
你可以换成3维图吗?因为我有 3 种类型的变量。我无法修改你的代码。 “dcast 中的错误(df.to.plot,噪声〜Exposure_time〜年龄,value.var =“风险”): 数据框最多有两个输出维度”