Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3
A 1 X1
A 1 X2
A 2 X3
B 3 X4
B 4 X5
B 4 X5
C 5 X6
C 5 X6
C 5 X6
当我旋转它时,所有 3 个字段都是行标签,如下所示:
pivot tables
和 pivot fields
Sub CollapseAllPivotItems()
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
For Each pf In .PivotFields
If pf.Orientation = xlRowField Then
For Each Pi In pf.PivotItems
' Need the IF condition to go here
Pi.ShowDetail = False
Next Pi
End If
Next pf
End With
End Sub
首先查看第 1 层。浏览数据透视表行范围中的所有行。如果有一个 1 级条目,则后面只有一个 2 级条目,然后只有一个 3 级条目。因此,3 行之后的条目再次是级别 1 或数据透视表行范围的末尾,然后不显示该级别 1 条目的详细信息。
2 级也是如此。如果有 2 级条目,则后面只有一个 3 级条目。因此,后面 2 行的条目又是级别 2 或级别 1 或数据透视表行范围的末尾,然后不显示该级别 2 条目的详细信息。
一般来说,对于n级:如果有一个k级条目,后面只有一个(k+1)级条目,然后只有一个(k+2)级条目,然后只有一个(k+3)级条目。 ..然后仅通过一个级别(n)条目。因此,后面的条目 (n-k+1)) 行又是级别 k 或级别 (k-1) 或级别 (k-2) ... 或级别 (1) 或数据透视表行范围的末尾,然后不显示该 k 级条目的详细信息。
但是,如果 k 级条目一次有多个 (k+1) 级条目,但另一次只有一个 (k+1) 级条目怎么办?然后它还应该显示详细信息,因为它有一个以上级别 (k+1) 条目。
Option Explicit
Sub hideDetailPivotItems()
Dim oPT As PivotTable
Dim oPF As PivotField, oPFSibling As PivotField
Dim oPRow As Range, oPRowSibling As Range
Dim oPI As PivotItem
Dim sPIName As Variant
Dim i As Long, k As Long, s As Long, lCountRowPFs As Long
Dim bShowDetail As Boolean
Dim dPIShowDetail As Object
Set oPT = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1")
Dim aRowPFs() As String
i = 0
For Each oPF In oPT.RowFields
ReDim Preserve aRowPFs(i)
aRowPFs(i) = oPF.Name
i = i + 1
On Error Resume Next
oPF.ShowDetail = True
On Error GoTo 0
lCountRowPFs = UBound(aRowPFs)
For k = 0 To lCountRowPFs - 1
Set dPIShowDetail = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 1 To oPT.RowRange.Count
Set oPRow = oPT.RowRange.Item(i)
Set oPF = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set oPF = oPRow.PivotField
On Error GoTo 0
If Not oPF Is Nothing Then
If oPF.Name = aRowPFs(k) Then
Set oPI = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set oPI = oPRow.PivotItem
On Error GoTo 0
If Not oPI Is Nothing Then
Set oPRowSibling = Nothing
Set oPFSibling = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set oPRowSibling = oPT.RowRange.Item(i + (lCountRowPFs - k + 1))
Set oPFSibling = oPRowSibling.PivotField
On Error GoTo 0
bShowDetail = True
If oPRowSibling Is Nothing Then
bShowDetail = False
ElseIf oPFSibling Is Nothing Then
bShowDetail = False
For s = k To 0 Step -1
If oPFSibling.Name = aRowPFs(s) Then
bShowDetail = False
End If
End If
If dPIShowDetail.exists(oPI.Name) Then
If bShowDetail Then dPIShowDetail(oPI.Name) = bShowDetail
dPIShowDetail.Add oPI.Name, bShowDetail
End If
End If
End If
End If
For Each sPIName In dPIShowDetail.keys
oPT.PivotFields(aRowPFs(k)).PivotItems(sPIName).ShowDetail = dPIShowDetail(sPIName)
End Sub
Dim lo_pf As Excel.PivotField, lo_pi As Excel.PivotItem
With activesheet.pivottables(1).pvt
For Each lo_pf In .PivotFields
If lo_pf.Orientation = Excel.XlPivotFieldOrientation.xlRowField Then
For Each lo_pi In lo_pf.PivotItems
If lo_pi.DataRange.rows.count = 1 Then lo_pi.ShowDetail = False
Next lo_pi
End If
Next lo_pf
End With
Sub CollapseAllPivotItems()
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
For Each pf In .PivotFields
If pf.Orientation = xlRowField Then
For Each Pi In pf.PivotItems
If pf.PivotItems.Count = 1 Then
Pi.ShowDetail = False
End If
Next Pi
End If
Next pf
End With
End Sub