SwiftUI 显示带有输入字段的警报?

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在 SwiftUI 中,我尝试使用输入发出警报消息,然后从输入中获取值。我发现了很多关于如何在 SwiftUI 中制作 Alert View 的好教程,但没有找到如何在 Alert 中添加 TextField() 。此警报将更新服务器上的类别表,我将使用此警报调用 put 请求。

@State var isInsertAlertVisible = false
// state var is define in ContentView
// Button is define in body
Button(action: {
       self.isInsertAlertVisible = true
       label: {
.presentation($isInsertAlertVisible) {
    Alert(title: Text("Insert"), message:
        Text("Insert Categories"), dismissButton: .default(Text("OK!")){
            print("Got it")

swift alert swiftui input-field swift5
struct TextfieldInAlert : View {

@State var renameFile : Bool = false

@State var newFileName : String = ""

var body: some View {

    VStack(spacing: 15) {

        Text("This is Textfield in Alert that is used to rename a file")

        Button(action: {
            renameFile = true
        }) {
            Text("Show TextField Alert")
    .overlay() {
        ZStack {}
            .alert("Enter the new file name:", isPresented: $renameFile){
                TextField("Rename File", text: $newFileName)
                Button("Rename", action: {
                    renameFile = false
                Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {
                    renameFile = false
                    newFileName = ""
            } message: {
func PerformAction() {
    //Add Some Action to the Rename Button


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