我已经实现了这个,但是代码运行时间很长(16 个观察需要 1 分钟)。有哪些改进的可能性?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import deque
import numpy as np
import time
def optimal_strategy(prices, root):
s = deque([root])
m = 0.0
while s:
n = s.pop()
t = n['time'] + 1
if t == len(prices):
m = np.max([m, n['profit']])
p = prices[t]
s.append({'name': 'h' + str(t), 'time': t, 'parent': n['name'],
'funds': n['funds'], 'positions': n['positions'], 'profit': n['profit']})
if p < n['funds']:
s.append({'name': 'ol' + str(t), 'time': t, 'parent': n['name'],
'funds': n['funds'] - p, 'positions': n['positions'] + [p], 'profit': n['profit']})
if len(n['positions']) > 0:
s.append({'name': 'cl' + str(t), 'time': t, 'parent': n['name'],
'funds': n['funds'] + p, 'positions': n['positions'][1:], 'profit': n['profit'] + p - n['positions'][0]})
return m
nobs = 16
prices = np.cumsum(np.random.normal(size=nobs))
t0 = time.time()
m = optimal_strategy(prices, {'name': 'r', 'time': -1, 'parent': None,
'funds': 4.0, 'positions': [], 'profit': 0.0})
print('Time {} Max {}'.format(time.time() - t0, m))
from collections import namedtuple
Trade = namedtuple("Trade", "time funds shares parent")
def optimal_strategy (prices, funds):
root = Trade(-1, funds, 0, None)
portfolios = [root]
for i, price in enumerate(prices):
# Start with the option of holding.
next_portfolios = portfolios.copy()
for portfolio in portfolios:
# Can we sell?
next_funds = portfolio.funds + price
next_shares = portfolio.shares - 1
if 0 <= next_shares and 0 <= next_funds:
if next_portfolios[next_shares].funds < next_funds:
next_portfolios[next_shares] = Trade(
i, next_funds, next_shares, portfolio)
# Can we buy?
next_funds = portfolio.funds - price
next_shares = portfolio.shares + 1
if 0 <= next_funds:
if len(next_portfolios) == next_shares:
i, next_funds, next_shares, portfolio))
elif next_portfolios[next_shares].funds < next_funds:
next_portfolios[next_shares] = Trade(
i, next_funds, next_shares, portfolio)
portfolios = next_portfolios
# Remove portfolios that cannot lead to our answer.
while len(prices) - i < len(portfolios):
path = []
portfolio = portfolios[0]
parent_portfolio = portfolio.parent
while parent_portfolio is not None:
if parent_portfolio.shares < portfolio.shares:
path.append((portfolio.time, 'buy'))
path.append((portfolio.time, 'sell'))
portfolio = parent_portfolio
parent_portfolio = portfolio.parent
return list(reversed(path))