超时错误 - 用于更新 AGOL 属性的 Python 脚本

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我正在尝试构建一个 python 脚本,该脚本将更新 AGOL 上要素图层的属性,最终目标是安排任务以每晚更新属性(不影响几何图形)。我的属性更新文件是一个 csv,大约有 9000 行和大约 6 列。每次运行完整的 csv 文件时,我都会遇到超时错误。我已将文件减少到 3 列,但仍然偶尔会出现超时错误。我对 python 比较陌生,所以如果这是完成此任务的一种非常低效的方法,我不会感到惊讶。

import pandas as pd
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer
import logging

# Configure logging

    # Connect to ArcGIS Online
    gis = GIS('', 'UN', 'PW', expiration=9999)
    logging.info("Successfully connected to ArcGIS Online.")

    # Access the feature layer, use the polygon layer service url not feature layer
    layer_url = "layer url"
    feature_layer = FeatureLayer(layer_url)
    logging.info("Successfully accessed the feature layer.")

    # Read the CSV file
    df = pd.read_csv('updates.csv')
    updates_df = df.fillna(value=0)
    logging.info("Successfully read the CSV/xlsx file.")

    # Define the identifier field used in your CSV and feature layer
    csv_id_field = 'apprid'  # Identifier in CSV file
    layer_id_field = 'apprid'  # Corresponding field in feature layer

    # Query the feature layer to get all features
    query_result = feature_layer.query(where="1=1")#, out_fields="*")
    #logging.info(f"Full query result: {query_result}")
    logging.info(f"Query successful: {query_result}")

    # Check if 'features' key is present in the query result
    if not query_result.features:
        logging.error("Query result does not contain features. Check the layer URL and query parameters.")
        raise KeyError("Query result does not contain features")

    features = query_result.features
    logging.info(f"Successfully queried the feature layer. Number of features retrieved: {len(features)}")

    # Prepare updates based on the CSV file
    updates = []
    for feature in features:
        feature_id = feature.attributes[layer_id_field]
        update_row = updates_df[updates_df[csv_id_field] == feature_id]
        if not update_row.empty:
            updated_attributes = {"apprid": feature.attributes["apprid"]}
            for column in updates_df.columns:
                if column != csv_id_field:
                    updated_attributes[column] = update_row[column].values[0]
            updates.append({"attributes": updated_attributes})
            logging.warning(f"No update found for feature_id: {feature_id}")

    # Apply the attribute updates
    if updates:
        update_result = feature_layer.edit_features(updates=updates)
        logging.info(f"Updates Complete")
        logging.info("No updates to apply.")

except Exception as e:
    logging.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")

在另一条链上看到一些内容,将过期 = 9999 添加到我的 GIS 连接中。这似乎没有什么区别。

gis = GIS('', 'UN', 'PW', expiration=9999)
python arcgis arcpy


  1. 是否需要循环遍历所有行及其每一列? 9000 个特征需要处理很多。考虑将批次分解为 100 行,而不是按列分解。

  2. 是否可以只更新已更新的行?这可能需要一些连接并找出两个数据集之间的差异。也许这会给你一个想法: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-api-for-python-questions/python-api-how-to-update-feature-layer-attributes/td-p/867767

  3. 是否可以使用更新的 CSV 覆盖要素图层?有点暴力的方法,但考虑到您的数据集大小,这可能是最简单的方法: https://developers.arcgis.com/python/samples/overwriting-feature-layers/#overwrite-the-feature-layer

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