我如何选择所有包含特定属性但不包括所有较深后代的子代? [重复]

问题描述 投票:0回答:2


选择包含特定属性(“ attribute_nm”)的所有“子项”,但排除包含相同属性的子项(以此类推)的所有子项。





<span id="main_span">

    <span attribute_nm> <!-- Select that PARENT and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- DO NOT select that CHILD and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- Do not select that child and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- Do not select that child and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->


    <span attribute_nm> <!-- Select that PARENT and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- DO NOT select that CHILD and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- Do not select that child and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- Do not select that child and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->


    <!-- MORE HTML... -->

javascript jquery html dom




var elems = $("#main_span").find("> [attribute_nm]")
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<span id="main_span">

    <span attribute_nm> <!-- Select that PARENT and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- DO NOT select that CHILD and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- Do not select that child and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- Do not select that child and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->


    <span attribute_nm> <!-- Select that PARENT and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- DO NOT select that CHILD and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- Do not select that child and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->

        <span attribute_nm> <!-- Do not select that child and its contents! -->

        <!-- MORE HTML... -->


    <!-- MORE HTML... -->

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