请检查this stackBlitz。
description: "This DummyLoream Ipsum from [currencyType - drop down should come here] [maxRate - drop down should come here] to [currencyType - drop down should come here] [maxRate - drop down should come here] (Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum and Loream Ipsum) and Loream Ipsum-Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum must be within the Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream, Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream.All Ipsum Loream.",
dropDownKeysValues: [
currencyType: "GBP",
maxRate: "100M"
currencyType: "USD",
maxRate: "200M"
首先,您必须添加一个已更改的事件函数,以便通过向您的选择添加(更改)=“yourFunc”来对下拉列表做出反应。 (在HTML中)
<div class="form-group" contenteditable="false" *ngFor="let val of mockData">
<label for="sort" class="col-sm-2 control-label"> select current type </label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<select [(ngModel)]="mockData[0].currencyType" (change)="logMockData()">
<option *ngFor='let item of dropDownKeysValues' [value]="item.currencyType">
{{ item.currencyType }}
<label for="sort" class="col-sm-2 control-label"> select max rate </label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<select [(ngModel)]="mockData[0].maxRate" (change)="logMockData()">
<option *ngFor='let item of dropDownKeysValues' [value]="item.maxRate">
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
name = 'Angular';
dropDownKeysValues: any = [
currencyType: "GBP",
maxRate: "100M"
currencyType: "USD",
maxRate: "200M"
public mockData: any = [
id: "{82c6d787-183d-4928-8e67-5ba17dbb0b8b-clni-icm-eo}-{1}",
createdDate: "12/12/2018",
createdBy: "Lorieam Ipsum",
modifiedDate: "",
modifiedBy: "Ipsum",
textId: "{pp-ghtter34-5542-998c-12of-gsdfg435as3456nhhc-nopsee}-{1}",
baseDataid: "{123mkjdfla-234ll234nkjbnjk-234-oop3}-{1}",
sectionView: {
id: "{0s0M3-r1And0M-Dat23234}-{1}",
title: "Lorieam Ispam",
description: "",
order: "5"
title: "This Dummy, Loream Ipsum and Loream Ipsum",
description: "This DummyLoream Ipsum from [currencyType] [maxRate] to [currencyType] [maxRate] (Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum and Loream Ipsum) and Loream Ipsum-Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum must be within the Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream, Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream.All Ipsum Loream.",
currencyType: "",
maxRate: ""
constructor() { }
logMockData() {
从'@ angular / core'导入{Component};
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
name = 'Angular';
public mockData: any = [
id: "{82c6d787-183d-4928-8e67-5ba17dbb0b8b-clni-icm-eo}-{1}",
createdDate: "12/12/2018",
createdBy: "Lorieam Ipsum",
modifiedDate: "",
modifiedBy: "Ipsum",
textId: "{pp-ghtter34-5542-998c-12of-gsdfg435as3456nhhc-nopsee}-{1}",
baseDataid: "{123mkjdfla-234ll234nkjbnjk-234-oop3}-{1}",
sectionView: {
id: "{0s0M3-r1And0M-Dat23234}-{1}",
title: "Lorieam Ispam",
description: "",
order: "5"
title: "This Dummy, Loream Ipsum and Loream Ipsum",
description: "This DummyLoream Ipsum from [currencyType] [maxRate] to [currencyType] [maxRate] (Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum and Loream Ipsum) and Loream Ipsum-Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum must be within the Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream, Ipsum Loream Ipsum Loream.All Ipsum Loream.",
selectedType: 'GBP',
selectedcurrency: '100M',
dropDownKeysValues: [
currencyType: "GBP",
maxRate: "100M"
currencyType: "USD",
maxRate: "200M"
selectedValue = 0;
selectedValue1 = 0;
public dropDownString;
public currencyValue;
constructor() {
for (var i = 0 ;i<this.mockData.length;i++){
this.dropDownString = this.mockData[i].dropDownKeysValues;
this.currencyValue = this.mockData[i].dropDownKeysValues;
<div class="form-group" contenteditable="false" *ngFor="let val of mockData"> <p>{{val.description}}</p> <label for="sort" class="col-sm-2 control-label"> select current type </label> <div class="col-sm-4"> <select [(ngModel)]="mockData.selectedType"> <option *ngFor='let d of dropDownString' [value]="d.currencyType"> {{d.currencyType}} </option> </select> </div>
<label for="sort" class="col-sm-2 control-label"> select max rate </label> <div class="col-sm-4"> <select [(ngModel)]="mockData.selectedcurrency"> <option *ngFor='let c of currencyValue' [value]="c.maxRate"> {{c.maxRate}} </option> </select> </div> </div>