Rails - Heroku - Postgres - Not Storing Sensitive Content in Clear Text

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What's the right way to handle sensitive content in Rails 3/Heroku/Postgres database?

Why kind of encryption. How to implement? What to use to implement?

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 postgresql encryption heroku

this SO Article discusses some encryption/decryption options that you could look into. without knowing too much about your application, I would say look there first and see if you can find anything that fits the bill. 作为一个很大的注意,无论您选择哪种保护方法,请确保不要忘记将过滤器添加到应用程序。RB文件,否则您可能会发现在日志文件中出现的未加密数据。 to do this you would need to simply add something like in application.rb:

config.filter_parameters += [:password, :YOUR_FILTERED_PARAM]
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