
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我正在使用 uWebSocket.js 并尝试从 API 获取有效负载。我检查了其与路线相关的官方GitHub网站

我检查并实施了其中解释的所有方法,效果很好。但是,我面临着从 post 方法获取 body 数据的问题。


let app = uWS ./*SSL*/App() .post('/login', (res, req) => { console.log(req.body); res.end(JSON.stringify({ message: 'Nothing to see here!' })); }) .ws('/*', { /* Options */ compression: uWS.SHARED_COMPRESSOR, maxPayloadLength: 16 * 1024 * 1024, idleTimeout: 10 * 4, maxBackpressure: 1024, open: (ws) => { /* Let this client listen to topic "broadcast" */ }, message: (ws, message, isBinary) => { }, drain: (ws) => { }, close: (ws, code, message) => { } }) .listen(port, (token) => { if (token) { console.log('Listening to port ' + port); } else { console.log('Failed to listen to port ' + port); } });
node.js uwebsockets
您应该使用此处提到的 res.data 方法



.post("/short", (res, req) => { res .onData((data) => { const stringed = handleArrayBuffer(data); console.log("stringed received", stringed); }) res.write("Great knowing you"); res.writeStatus("200OK"); res.end(); })

export const handleArrayBuffer = (message: ArrayBuffer | string) => { if (message instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const decoder = new TextDecoder(); return decoder.decode(message); } return message; };


const parseBody = (res: uWS.HttpResponse): Promise<{ [key: string]: any } | undefined> => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let buffer: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(0); let totalSize = 0; res.onData((ab, isLast) => { try { if (res.aborted) { reject(new Error('Request aborted')); return; } if(ab.byteLength > 0) { // I found some non-last onData with 0 byte length const copy = copyArrayBuffer(ab); // Immediately copy the ArrayBuffer into a Buffer, every return of onData neuters the ArrayBuffer totalSize += copy.byteLength; buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, Buffer.from(copy)]); } if (totalSize > MAX_BODY_SIZE) { // define your allowed max size if it applies to you reject(new Error('Request body too large: max 4MB allowed')); return; } if (isLast) { // If this is the last chunk, process the final buffer // Convert the buffer to a string and parse it as JSON // this will fail if the buffer doesn't contain a valid JSON (e.g. when buffer.byteLength = 0) const resolveValue = JSON.parse(buffer.toString()); resolve(resolveValue); } } catch (err: any) { reject(new Error(`Failed to parse JSON: ${err.message}`)); } }); }); }; const useBodyParser = (res: uWS.HttpResponse, req: uWS.HttpRequest, next: (body?: any) => void) => { // I haven't checked what happens when there's no body (onData ever called). For my usecase, there's always a json body for put and post requests, hence this implementation. if (req.getMethod() === 'post' || req.getMethod() === 'put') { parseBody(res).then(body => { next(body); }).catch(err => { res.cork(() => { res.writeStatus('500 Internal Server Error').end(`Body parsing error: ${err}`); }); }); } else { next(); } }; uWs.App().any('/*', async (res: uWS.HttpResponse, req: uWS.HttpRequest) => { useBodyParser(res, req, (body: { [p: string]: any } | undefined) => { // process request here }); });
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