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我试图理解使用 PHP 的钠加密盒共享加密消息。 使用我在某处找到的一个示例,我尝试模拟两个人之间的对话。他们每个人都在本地系统上创建了自己的公共/私有密钥集。


sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey(Sender's Private Key, Recipient's Public Key) 


sodium_crypto_box($message, nonce, Sender's keypair)


sodium_crypto_box_open($encrypted_signed_text, nonce, Recipient's keypair)



sodium_crypto_box_open($encrypted_signed_text, nonce, Sender's keypair)




    //This is another Puplic Key Example with sender authentication
    // On Alice's device
    $alice_keypair = sodium_crypto_box_keypair();
    $alice_secret_key = sodium_crypto_box_secretkey($alice_keypair);
    $alice_public_key = sodium_crypto_box_publickey($alice_keypair);
    // On Bob's device
    $bob_keypair = sodium_crypto_box_keypair();
    $bob_secret_key = sodium_crypto_box_secretkey($bob_keypair);
    $bob_public_key = sodium_crypto_box_publickey($bob_keypair);
    // Exchange keys:
    // - Send Alice's public key to Bob.
    // - Send Bob's public key to Alice.
    // On sender:
    // Create nonce. Convert to Hex so it may be easily stored and transmitted
    $hexnonce = sodium_bin2hex(random_bytes(\SODIUM_CRYPTO_BOX_NONCEBYTES));
    // Create enc/sign key pair.
    $sender_keypair = sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey($alice_secret_key, $bob_public_key);

    $message = "New message: Hi Bob, I'm Alice";

    // Encrypt and sign the message with the sender's keyset
    //Here I assume the function is using the sender's private key portion to sign the message
    //and using the recipient's public key portion to encrypt the message
    $hexencrypted_signed_text = sodium_bin2hex(sodium_crypto_box($message, sodium_hex2bin($hexnonce), $sender_keypair));

    //Here the message and nonce are transmitted to the recipient...

    // On recipient:
    $recipient_keypair = sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey($bob_secret_key, $alice_public_key);
    // Authenticate and decrypt message
    //Here I assume the function is using the Recipient's private key portion of the keyset to decrypt the message
    //and using the sender's public key portion to authenticate that the message was signed by Alice.
    $NewOrigMsg = sodium_crypto_box_open(sodium_hex2bin($hexencrypted_signed_text), sodium_hex2bin($hexnonce), $recipient_keypair);

    echo "<br>===The Original message===<br>";
    var_dump($message); // "Hi Bob, I'm Alice"
    echo "<br><br>===Transmitted Values===<br>";
    echo "Nonce: " . $hexnonce . "<br>";
    echo "Encrypted Message: " . $hexencrypted_signed_text . "<br>";
    echo "<br>=== Recipient's Decrypted Version===<br>";
    var_dump($NewOrigMsg); // "Hi Bob, I'm Alice"
    //Notice that the sender can decrypt the message using the original encryption keypair
    //I would expect that this would not be possible since the sender does not have access to the Recipient's private key
    $orig_msg = sodium_crypto_box_open(sodium_hex2bin($hexencrypted_signed_text), sodium_hex2bin($hexnonce), $sender_keypair);
    echo "<br><br>===Senders's Decrypted Version===<br>";
    var_dump($orig_msg); // "Hi Bob, I'm Alice"


php encryption pgp libsodium secure-coding

正如您自己在评论中已经认识到的那样,您误解了 crypto_box 概念:在发送方,既不使用接收方的公钥进行加密,也不使用发送方的密钥进行签名,在接收方也不使用接收者的密钥用于解密,发送者的公钥用于验证。

crypto_box是一种公钥验证的加密。它使用 X25519 进行密钥协商,使用 XSalsa20-Poly1305 进行身份验证加密。
对于加密,由发送者的秘密密钥和接收者的公钥组成的组合 K(secretS, publicR) 用于使用 X25519 派生共享秘密。
同样,在接收方,在解密过程中使用由接收方密钥和发送方公钥组成的组合K(secretR, publicS),以使用 X25519 导出共享密钥。
X25519 算法确保以这种方式生成的两个共享密钥是相同的。

Libsodium 为 X25519 提供了方法


$sender_keypair = sodium_crypto_box_keypair();
$sender_secret_key = sodium_crypto_box_secretkey($sender_keypair);
$sender_public_key = sodium_crypto_box_publickey($sender_keypair);  

$receiver_keypair = sodium_crypto_box_keypair();
$receiver_secret_key = sodium_crypto_box_secretkey($receiver_keypair);
$receiver_public_key = sodium_crypto_box_publickey($receiver_keypair);

$sender_shared_secret = sodium_crypto_scalarmult($sender_secret_key, $receiver_public_key);
$receiver_shared_secret = sodium_crypto_scalarmult($receiver_secret_key, $sender_public_key);

print(strcmp($sender_shared_secret, $receiver_shared_secret) == 0 ? "match" : "no match"); // match

双方生成相同的共享密钥后,双方从中派生出相同的密钥(使用 HSalsa20),该密钥用于使用 XSalsa20-Poly1305 进行身份验证加密。请注意,所描述的所有处理都包含在 crypto_box 中(即,这些都不需要由您自己完成)。
顺便说一句,XSalsa20-Poly1305 也是 Libsodium 的密钥认证加密crypto_secretbox使用的算法。

通常的 crypto_box 用例是发送者使用 K(secretS, publicR) 加密,接收者使用 K(secretR, publicS) 解密。 当然,用 K(secretS, publicR) 解密也是可能的,但这仅与发送方相关,因为只有它拥有发送方的密钥。
这适用于您最后的解密:发送方使用 K(secretS, publicR) 进行解密。顺便说一句,这不是一个安全问题,因为它只意味着发送者可以解密自己的密文。

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