
问题描述 投票:-3回答:2


假设我在服务器中有多个C编程文件用于单个进程,我想在重新启动服务器之前保留一些值,一旦重新启动我想根据最后重新启动的值执行操作(即..,States) 。


ex:static int early_status [10]


c embedded-linux

将您的数据存储在memory mapped file中。然后它将作为常规内存在程序中运行并被访问,但操作系统将在映射文件中保留它。重新启动时,重新映射现有文件,它将包含最后一个状态。

但是需要注意一些事项 - 如果重新启动或终止中断映射数据访问,状态可能会不一致。可能需要对数据进行某种验证。

for retaining the updated values of variables after rebooting , it is necessory to store the values of variables in permanent memory as the temporary memory get erased when power off happens .
So for this you need to create the Configuration file( NOTE : Create in R+ mode because other modes will erase the data while creating the file if it is already exist) .  
- Create a file at starting of the execution in R+ mode .
- Write the variable in file which you need to retain , here you need to write the variable again and again where your program is modifying that variable , and here you need to take care of position of variables in the file .
- Use the fflush(file ptr); function to flush the file stream into file ( This is necessory to put data into hard drive for each variable modification , it will allows you to kill the process abnormally) .
- After reboot run the process(if your requirement is like , you need to start process with bootup then make it zombie ) and read and initialize the variables form the file and use in the program for further processing .
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