如何使用react-native-keychain在react native中加密访问令牌?

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import React, { Component } from 'react'; import * as Keychain from 'react-native-keychain'; import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify'; const MYSTORAGE_KEY_PREFIX = '@ACCESSTOKEN:'; let dataMemory = {}; export default class MyStorage { static syncPromise = null; static setItem(key, value) { Keychain.setGenericPassword(MYSTORAGE_KEY_PREFIX + key, value); dataMemory[key] = value return dataMemory[key] } static getItem(key) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(dataMemory, key) ? dataMemory[key] : undefined } static removeItem(key) { Keychain.resetGenericPassword() return delete dataMemory[key] } static clear() { dataMemory = {} return dataMemory } static sync(){ if (!MyStorage.syncPromise) { MyStorage.syncPromise = new Promise((res, rej) => { Auth.currentSession().then(data => {MyStorage.setItem(data.idToken.jwtToken)}) }); } return MyStorage.syncPromise; } } Auth.configure({ storage: MyStorage });

javascript amazon-web-services react-native security encryption

import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import EncryptedStorage from 'react-native-encrypted-storage'; const AUTH_STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX = '@AuthorizationStorage:'; let dataMemory: Record<string, string> = {}; /** * A class representing the storage for authentication-related data. * Used by Amplify for secure storage of user data. * @see https://docs.amplify.aws/lib/auth/manageusers/q/platform/react-native/#managing-security-tokens */ export class AuthorizationStorage { /** * A promise used for synchronization. */ static syncPromise: Promise<void> | null = null; /** * Sets an item in the storage. * @param key - The key of the item to set. * @param value - The value of the item to set. * @returns The stored value or null if the value is not provided. */ static setItem(key: string, value?: unknown): string | null { if (value && typeof value === 'string') { AsyncStorage.setItem(AUTH_STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX + key, 'null'); EncryptedStorage.setItem(AUTH_STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX + key, value); dataMemory[key] = value; return dataMemory[key]!; } return null; } /** * Gets an item from the storage. * @param key - The key of the item to get. * @returns The stored value or null if the item does not exist. */ static getItem(key: string): string | null { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(dataMemory, key) ? dataMemory[key]! : null; } /** * Removes an item from the storage. * @param key - The key of the item to remove. * @returns True if the item was removed, false otherwise. */ static removeItem(key: string): boolean { AsyncStorage.removeItem(AUTH_STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX + key); EncryptedStorage.getItem(AUTH_STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX + key).then((value) => { if (value) { EncryptedStorage.removeItem(AUTH_STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX + key); } }); return delete dataMemory[key]; } /** * Clears the storage. * @returns An empty record representing the cleared data. */ static clear(): Record<string, string> { dataMemory = {}; return dataMemory; } /** * Synchronizes data from storage. * @returns A promise that resolves when synchronization is complete or rejects with an error. */ static async sync(): Promise<void> { if (AuthorizationStorage.syncPromise === null) { AuthorizationStorage.syncPromise = (async () => { try { const keys = await AsyncStorage.getAllKeys(); const memoryKeys = (keys || []).filter((key: string) => key.startsWith(AUTH_STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX) ); const promises: Promise<void>[] = []; for (const key of memoryKeys) { const value = await EncryptedStorage.getItem(key); if (value) { dataMemory[key.replace(AUTH_STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX, '')] = value; } } await Promise.all(promises); } catch (error: unknown) { throw error; } })(); } return AuthorizationStorage.syncPromise; } }

Amplify.configure({ Auth: { ..., // (user-pool-id, region etc.) storage: AuthorizationStorage } })
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