在 PostgreSQL 中按特定列数据选择行

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试构建一个菜谱查找应用程序(PERN stack),就像SuperCook,但我的 postgres 表遇到了一些问题。


我使用 pgadmin 从 Recipe Dataset 导入表并设置我的 Nodejs 服务器和路由。


据我所知,WHERE、LIKE 和逻辑运算符无法帮助我(但我是初学者,所以我知道的不多),因为使用它们将返回包含所选成分 + 任何其他成分的食谱。

对于此类问题,我们唯一关心的列是 NER 列,因为它仅包含成分。我看到它们写得像一个javascript对象,例如:

"[""sesame seed"", ""soy sauce"", ""honey"", ""vegetable cooking spray"", ""thin green onion strips"", ""grated ginger"", ""chicken""]"

在 pgAdmin 中出现如下:

["sesame seed", "soy sauce", "honey", "vegetable cooking spray", "thin green onion strips", "grated ginger", "chicken"]





["butter", "chicken", "garlic", "onion"]


["butter", "chicken"]


["garlic", "chicken"]

sql node.js database postgresql

一种选择是使用 json 函数将您的配料(用户的和菜肴的)排列成行。通过这种方式,您可以加入每种成分的数据,您可以计算出您拥有的成分数量与所需成分总数的比较,并获得其百分比。您还可以提供缺少成分的清单。

WITH    --  S a m p l e    D a t a :   
  ingredients ( id, dish, ner ) As
    ( Select 1, 'Jewell Ball''S Chicken', '["cream of mushroom soup", "beef", "sour cream", "chicken breasts"]' Union All
      Select 2, 'Creamy Corn', '["frozen corn", "pepper", "cream cheese", "garlic powder", "butter", "salt"]' Union All
      Select 3, 'Chicken Funny', '["chicken gravy", "cream of mushroom soup", "chicken", "shredded cheese"]' Union All
      Select 4, 'Nolan''S Pepper Steak', '["oil", "tomatoes", "green peppers", "water", "onions", "worcestershire sauce"]' Union All
      Select 5, 'Yor sample dish', '["butter", "chicken", "garlic", "onion"]'

...使用 json,将菜肴成分转置为行...

  dish_ingredients As
    ( Select  i.id, i.dish, Replace(json_array_elements(i.ner::json)::text, '"', '') as dish_ingredient 
      From    ingredients i

...不知道您将如何提供用户成分数据,所以我将您的成分问题列表放入 cte 中,并执行与上面相同的操作以将它们排成行....

  user_input As
    ( Select Replace(json_array_elements( array_to_json(string_to_array('chicken, butter, onion, garlic', ', ')) )::text, '"', '') as user_ingredient 

...创建另一个 cte 来组合菜肴和用户成分,为使用它们的不同选项准备数据(有或没有成分、所需的总成分、百分比...)

  • 答案末尾的网格cte结果集
  grid As 
    ( Select    d.id, d.dish, dish_ingredient, ui.user_ingredient, 
                Case When  ui.user_ingredient Is Null Then 1 End as flag_have_not, 
                Case When  ui.user_ingredient Is Not Null Then 1 End as flag_have, 
                Count(Case When ui.user_ingredient Is Not Null Then d.id End)
                      Over(Partition By d.id) as cnt_have,
                Count(d.id) Over(Partition By d.id) as cnt_dish_ingredient, 
                Round(Count(Case When ui.user_ingredient Is Not Null Then d.id End)
                            Over(Partition By d.id)::Decimal 
                      * 100 / Count(d.id) Over(Partition By d.id)
                    , 2) as pct_match
      From      dish_ingredients d
      Left Join user_input ui ON( Position(ui.user_ingredient In d.dish_ingredient) > 0 )

...这是主要的sql - 获取用户拥有50%或更多食材的菜肴...

--    M a i n    S Q L :
Select    id, dish, Max(pct_match) as pct_match,
          string_agg(Case When flag_have_not = 1 Then dish_ingredient End, ',  ' Order By user_ingredient) as missing_ingredients
From      grid
Where     pct_match >= 50
Group  By id, dish 
/*    R e s u l t :
id  dish                pct_match   missing_ingredients
--  ------------------  ---------   ----------------------------------------------------
 3  Chicken Funny           50.00   cream of mushroom soup,  shredded cheese
 5  Yor sample dish        100.00   null                                                   */

您应该注意多词成分和可能的错过匹配或错误匹配以及其他问题(可能使用 Like 进行匹配)。下面是网格 cte 结果集:

/*    R e s u l t :     ( grid )
id  dish                       dish_ingredient           user_ingredient    flag_have_not   flag_have   cnt_have  cnt_dish_ingredient   pct_match
--  -------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------  -------------   ---------   --------  -------------------   ---------
1   Jewell Ball'S Chicken      cream of mushroom soup    null                           1        null          1                    4       25.00
1   Jewell Ball'S Chicken      beef                      null                           1        null          1                    4       25.00
1   Jewell Ball'S Chicken      sour cream                null                           1        null          1                    4       25.00
1   Jewell Ball'S Chicken      chicken breasts           chicken                     null           1          1                    4       25.00
2   Creamy Corn                frozen corn               null                           1        null          2                    6       33.33
2   Creamy Corn                pepper                    null                           1        null          2                    6       33.33
2   Creamy Corn                cream cheese              null                           1        null          2                    6       33.33
2   Creamy Corn                garlic powder             garlic                      null           1          2                    6       33.33
2   Creamy Corn                butter                    butter                      null           1          2                    6       33.33
2   Creamy Corn                salt                      null                           1        null          2                    6       33.33
3   Chicken Funny              chicken gravy             chicken                     null           1          2                    4       50.00
3   Chicken Funny              cream of mushroom soup    null                           1        null          2                    4       50.00
3   Chicken Funny              chicken                   chicken                     null           1          2                    4       50.00
3   Chicken Funny              shredded cheese           null                           1        null          2                    4       50.00
4   Nolan'S Pepper Steak       oil                       null                           1        null          1                    6       16.67
4   Nolan'S Pepper Steak       tomatoes                  null                           1        null          1                    6       16.67
4   Nolan'S Pepper Steak       green peppers             null                           1        null          1                    6       16.67
4   Nolan'S Pepper Steak       water                     null                           1        null          1                    6       16.67
4   Nolan'S Pepper Steak       onions                    onion                       null           1          1                    6       16.67
4   Nolan'S Pepper Steak       worcestershire sauce      null                           1        null          1                    6       16.67
5   Yor sample dish            butter                    butter                      null           1          4                    4      100.00
5   Yor sample dish            chicken                   chicken                     null           1          4                    4      100.00
5   Yor sample dish            garlic                    garlic                      null           1          4                    4      100.00
5   Yor sample dish            onion                     onion                       null           1          4                    4      100.00      */
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