CountIf结果为 "0"

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我的完整代码中有一部分需要帮助。下面的代码应该计算每个月符合定义条件的行。问题是我只得到 "0 "的结果。我不知道为什么?是不是因为我的日期格式?我的源wb包含的日期格式是 "01.01.2019"。

代码也应该只计算任何月份的第一条的行。意思是:01.01., 01.02.,01.03.等等。



Dim x As Long

For x = 1 To 12

    ws.Cells(8, 1 + x) = _
        Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(wsSource.Columns(8), Format(x, "00") & "." & MonthName(x), _
        wsSource.Columns(30), "<=" & 50)

    ws.Cells(9, 1 + x) = _
        Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(wsSource.Columns(8), Format(x, "00") & "." & MonthName(x), _
        wsSource.Columns(30), ">" & 50, wsSource.Columns(30), "<=" & 100)

    ws.Cells(10, 1 + x) = _
        Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(wsSource.Columns(8), Format(x, "00") & "." & MonthName(x), _
        wsSource.Columns(30), ">" & 100)

Next x


  Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() ' update averages

         Const YEAR = 2019

        ' open source workbook
        Dim fname As String, wbSource As Workbook, wsSource As Worksheet
        fname = Me.TextBox1.Text

        If Len(fname) = 0 Then
           MsgBox "No file selected", vbCritical, "Error"
           Exit Sub
        End If

        Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open(fname, False, True) ' no link update, read only
        Set wsSource = wbSource.Sheets("Sheet1") ' change to suit

        Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
        Set wb = ThisWorkbook
        Set ws = wb.Sheets("Table 2") '

        ' scan down source workbook calc average
        Dim iRow As Long, lastRow As Long
        Dim sMth As String, iMth As Long
        Dim count(12) As Long, sum(12) As Long

        lastRow = wsSource.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        For iRow = 1 To lastRow

            If IsDate(wsSource.Cells(iRow, 8)) _
                And IsNumeric(wsSource.Cells(iRow, 30)) Then

                iMth = Month(wsSource.Cells(iRow, 8))   ' col H
                sum(iMth) = sum(iMth) + wsSource.Cells(iRow, 30) ' Col AD
                count(iMth) = count(iMth) + 1 '

            End If

   ' counting the rows  

    Dim x As Long

    For x = 1 To 12

        ws.Cells(8, 1 + x) = _
            Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(wsSource.Columns(8), Format(x, "00") & "." & MonthName(x), _
            wsSource.Columns(30), "<=" & 50)

        ws.Cells(9, 1 + x) = _
            Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(wsSource.Columns(8), Format(x, "00") & "." & MonthName(x), _
            wsSource.Columns(30), ">" & 50, wsSource.Columns(30), "<=" & 100)

        ws.Cells(10, 1 + x) = _
            Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(wsSource.Columns(8), Format(x, "00") & "." & MonthName(x), _
            wsSource.Columns(30), ">" & 100)

    Next x

        ' close source worbook no save
        wbSource.Close False

        ' update Table 2 with averages
        With ws.Range("A3")
        For iMth = 1 To 12
            .Offset(0, iMth - 1) = MonthName(iMth) & " " & YEAR
            If count(iMth) > 0 Then
                .Offset(1, iMth - 1) = sum(iMth) / count(iMth)
                .Offset(1, iMth - 1).NumberFormat = "0.0"
            End If
        End With

        Dim msg As String
        msg = iRow - 1 & " rows scanned in " & TextBox1.Text
        MsgBox msg, vbInformation, "Table 2 updated"

    End Sub

enter image description here

成绩单(Wb - 如你所见,在行数表中只显示了零。

enter image description here

wb.Source的例子 - 列H(8)和AD(30)是唯一与行计算相关的列。在下面的例子中,最后一行不应该被计算,因为日期不符合条件(它不是每月的第一天)。

enter image description here

excel vba excel-vba countif


Sub WriteCountIf()
    ' 025

    ' The YearCell must contain a year number like 2019.
    Const YearCell As String = "A1" 'change to suit

    Dim DateRng     As Range        ' the range to search for  dates in
    Dim DaysRng     As Range        ' the range to search for  days in
    Dim StartDate   As Date         ' first day to include in count
    Dim EndDate     As Date         ' last day to include in count
    Dim C           As Long         ' the column to write to (= month)

    With ActiveSheet                ' better to define the sheet by name

        ' make sure your result range doesn't overlap the search ranges
        Set DateRng = .Range(.Cells(11, 8), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 8).End(xlUp))
        Set DaysRng = .Range(.Cells(11, 30), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 30).End(xlUp))

        For C = 1 To 12
            StartDate = DateSerial(.Range(YearCell).Value, C, 1)
            EndDate = DateSerial(Year(StartDate), C + 1, 0)
            .Cells(8, 1 + C).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
                                     CountIfs(DateRng, ">=" & StartDate, _
                                              DateRng, "<=" & EndDate, _
                                              DaysRng, "<=" & 50)

            .Cells(9, 1 + C).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
                                     CountIfs(DateRng, ">=" & StartDate, _
                                              DateRng, "<=" & EndDate, _
                                              DaysRng, ">" & 50, _
                                              DaysRng, "<=" & 100)

            .Cells(10, 1 + C).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
                                     CountIfs(DateRng, ">=" & StartDate, _
                                              DateRng, "<=" & EndDate, _
                                              DaysRng, ">" & 100)
        Next C
    End With
End Sub





Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() ' update averages

    ' "Year" is the name of a VBA function.
    ' To use the same word here as a variable name is asking for trouble.
    Const Year As Integer = 2019

    Dim wbSource As Workbook, wsSource As Worksheet
    Dim Wb As Workbook, Ws As Worksheet
    Dim fname As String

    fname = Me.TextBox1.Text
    If Len(fname) = 0 Then
       MsgBox "No file selected", vbCritical, "Error"
       Exit Sub
    End If

    Set Wb = ThisWorkbook
    Set Ws = Wb.Sheets("Table 2") '

    ' open source workbook
    Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open(fname, False, True)   ' no link update, read only
    Set wsSource = wbSource.Sheets("Sheet1")            ' change to suit

    Dim iRow As Long, lastRow As Long
    Dim sMth As String, iMth As Long
    Dim count(12) As Long, sum(12) As Long              ' Confusing: Count is a VBA method

    ' scan down source workbook calc average
        ' observe how .Rows.count is written with lower case c
        ' because of your declaration of "count" in that way
    lastRow = wsSource.Cells(wsSource.Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    For iRow = 1 To lastRow
        If IsDate(wsSource.Cells(iRow, 8)) And _
           IsNumeric(wsSource.Cells(iRow, 30)) Then

            iMth = Month(wsSource.Cells(iRow, 8))       ' col H
            sum(iMth) = sum(iMth) + wsSource.Cells(iRow, 30) ' Col AD
            count(iMth) = count(iMth) + 1
        End If

    ' counting the rows
    Ws.Cells(8, 2).Resize(3, 12).Value = RowsCount(Year, wsSource)
    ' close source worbook no save
    wbSource.Close False

    ' update Table 2 with averages
    With Ws.Range("A3")
        For iMth = 1 To 12
            .Offset(0, iMth - 1) = MonthName(iMth) & " " & Year
            If count(iMth) > 0 Then
                .Offset(1, iMth - 1) = sum(iMth) / count(iMth)
                .Offset(1, iMth - 1).NumberFormat = "0.0"
            End If
    End With

    Dim msg As String
    msg = iRow - 1 & " rows scanned in " & TextBox1.Text
    MsgBox msg, vbInformation, "Table 2 updated"
End Sub

Private Function RowsCount(ByVal RefYear As Integer, _
                           Ws As Worksheet) As Variant
    ' 025

    Dim Fun         As Variant      ' Function return value
    Dim DateRng     As Range        ' the range to search for  dates in
    Dim DaysRng     As Range        ' the range to search for  days in
    Dim StartDate   As Date         ' first day to include in count
    Dim EndDate     As Date         ' last day to include in count
    Dim C           As Long         ' the column to write to (= month)

    With Ws
        ' make sure your result range doesn't overlap the search ranges
        Set DateRng = .Range(.Cells(11, 8), .Cells(.Rows.count, 8).End(xlUp))
        Set DaysRng = .Range(.Cells(11, 30), .Cells(.Rows.count, 30).End(xlUp))
    End With

    ReDim Fun(1 To 3, 1 To 12)
    For C = 1 To 12
        StartDate = DateSerial(RefYear, C, 1)
        EndDate = DateSerial(Year(StartDate), C + 1, 0)

        Fun(1, C) = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
                                 CountIfs(DateRng, ">=" & StartDate, _
                                          DateRng, "<=" & EndDate, _
                                          DaysRng, "<=" & 50)

        Fun(2, C) = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
                                 CountIfs(DateRng, ">=" & StartDate, _
                                          DateRng, "<=" & EndDate, _
                                          DaysRng, ">" & 50, _
                                          DaysRng, "<=" & 100)

        Fun(3, C) = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
                                 CountIfs(DateRng, ">=" & StartDate, _
                                          DateRng, "<=" & EndDate, _
                                          DaysRng, ">" & 100)
    Next C

    RowsCount = Fun
End Function

在VBA中,大写是非常重要的。就像你使用的例子一样 Count 字演示VBA会尽量适应你的风格。因此,如果你没有系统,你会破坏VBA的。我遵循的理论是在所有变量名上使用大写和小写。然后我只用小写字母来输入。VBA会纠正我的输入,这就像一个拼写检查器,有助于避免错别字。虽然有一些例外,但这是我遵循的一般规则。


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