在尝试运行下面包含的 AWK 脚本时遇到这两个语法错误:
awk: syntax error at source line 30 source file test.awk
context is
dealer_schedule[last_name] = >>> [ <<< date, time, am_pm, first_name, last_name]
awk: illegal statement at source line 30 source file test.awk
awk: syntax error at source line 33 source file test.awk
我在 Ubuntu Linux 上使用 awk 版本 3.4。这是脚本:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Initialize the hash table to store the dealer schedule.
dealer_schedule = assoc()
# Initialize the hash table to store the number of times that Mylie was playing with each unique dealer.
dealer_counts = assoc()
# Read the Mylie player information file.
mylie_info = read_mylie_info_file()
# Get the date field from the first four characters of the file name.
date = substr(FILENAME, 1, 4)
# Split the input line into an array of fields.
fields = split($0, fields, "|")
# Get the time, AM/PM label, first name, and last name of the roulette dealer.
time = fields[2]
am_pm = fields[3]
first_name = fields[4]
last_name = fields[5]
# Add the data to the dealer schedule hash table.
dealer_schedule[last_name] = [date, time, am_pm, first_name, last_name]
# For each time that Mylie was playing, increment the count for the dealer.
for (i in mylie_info) {
if ((date == mylie_info[i][0]) and (time == mylie_info[i][1]) and (am_pm == mylie_info[i][2])) {
if (last_name in dealer_counts) {
} else {
dealer_counts[last_name] = 1
# Print the number of times that Mylie was playing with each unique dealer to a separate txt file.
print "dealer,count" > "Notes_Dealer_Analysis.txt"
for (dealer in dealer_counts) {
print dealer, dealer_counts[dealer] >> "Notes_Dealer_Analysis.txt"
# Print the 5 column dealer schedule for the times that Mylie was playing.
print "date,time,am_pm,first_name,last_name" > "Dealers_working_during_losses.txt"
for (dealer in dealer_schedule) {
for (i in dealer_schedule[dealer]) {
# Check if the dealer was working at the same time as Mylie was playing.
if ((dealer_schedule[dealer][i][0] == mylie_info["date"]) and (dealer_schedule[dealer][i][1] == mylie_info["time"]) and (dealer_schedule[dealer][i][2] == mylie_info["am_pm"])) {
print dealer_schedule[dealer][i][0], dealer_schedule[dealer][i][1], dealer_schedule[dealer][i][2], dealer_schedule[dealer][i][3], dealer_schedule[dealer][i][4] >> "Dealers_working_during_losses.txt"
# Close the Mylie player information file.
function read_mylie_info_file() {
# Read the Mylie player information file.
mylie_info = assoc()
mylie_info_file = open("Mylie.txt", "r")
for (line in mylie_info_file) {
fields = split(line, fields, "|")
date = fields[1]
time = fields[2]
am_pm = fields[3]
mylie_info[i] = [date, time, am_pm]
return mylie_info
我尝试了各种使用不同语法结构的方法,这些语法结构应该适用于各种版本的 awk,包括这个版本。但我对 awk 脚本的了解有点太生疏了,我什至不知道我是否在问正确的问题或在正确的位置寻找。
你的代码是 GNU
语法和 python
语法的奇怪组合,1986 年编程语言部分的随意集合和 1991 年不相关的编程语言根本没有机会工作,更不用说期望的输出了。
awk: syntax error at source line 30 source file test.awk
dealer_schedule[last_name] = [date, time, am_pm, first_name, last_name]
此特定行使用列表文字。 GNU
没有列表,只有关联的 Arrays,大致相当于 python 的字典。您需要将其表示为数组,键为数字。据我所知,你还需要更加隐式,因为 GNU AWK
没有数组文字,所以如果 python
x = {0:"a",1:"b",2:"c"}
在 GNU 中
代码,或将此代码转换为正确的 GNU AWK